That One Neighbor (Makorra)

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Clattering could be heard noisily from across the hall by his front door.
He winced when a string of profanities and curses echoed through the hallway. Whoever his new neighbour was, she swore like a sailor.

Sighing after hearing another thud, Mako placed his newspaper down and peeked his head out of his doorway, before walking to the open door across his. " Um, excuse me?" He knocked gently on the wood, and a female appeared instantly, stumbling out from a room.

"Oh, hi. Are you the guy who lives in front of me?" Curious cyan eyes look behind him and stare at his own open door.

Mako felt his lips flatten into a grim line, as he avoided spitting out a witty comment about her noise. "Yeah. Uh, you're being a bit loud, do you need help with anything?"

Her eyes lit up, and she breathed an exaggerated sigh of relief. "It's about time somebody comes by and helps me! Four people passed by my open door, and ignored my obvious pile of heavy cargo. Thanks a ton!" She eagerly hauled up a box and dumped it into his unprepared arms, nearly making his back give out as she threw another on top of it.

Mako dragged one foot in front of the other, knees shaking as she was practically yelling directions at him. "Those can go into the kitchen! And can you get that other one and bring it into my room? It's on the right-and don't put it on my bed! I already put all the comforters on there."

Why was he helping her again? Oh yeah. He hoped that she would shut up after all of this-clearly she had gotten louder. 'What a drag,'

He poked his head out of her bedroom door, and saw as she was sawing through the heavy layer of tape on the seams of the cardboard. "Hey, I didn't get your name,"

He blushed as she turned around, a small smile fixated on her face. "Well?"

"The name's Mako. Yours?"

She giggled under her breath. "I'm Korra. Thanks for helping me out, Mako. I needed it."

She shot him a smile that made his heart skip a beat, and he returned the gesture hastily. As he turned around, she awkwardly cleared her throat.


He turned around as she was facing him, fidgeting. "Hm?"

She suddenly blushed and walked towards him. "I know we barely know each other...but wanna hang out at Narook's tonight?"

Mako was baffled, and his cheeks began to heat up. "Uh...I-"

She immediately spoke again. "B-but it's not a date, it's...take it as my thanks for helping me today."

Mako felt odd senses in his stomach. She was being really grateful. Like, really, really grateful. Heart soaring, he accepted.


"Can you believe that three years ago we used to live across from each other?" Korra twisted her body to look up at Mako.

He smiled. "I remember you asked me to go eat with you after you made me do all your hard work."

She chuckled and let him kiss her forehead. They were having a lazy morning, as the crack of dawn was upon the city. "It was the right choice for you to accept. Look where we are now,"

"You were quite the neighbor,"

Korra pouted. "I wasn't an annoying neighbor, was I?"

He nuzzled his nose in her hair, closing his eyes. "Oh, you were. But now, you're my annoying girlfriend."

"That's why you fell for me in the first place,"



I have this weird one/two-shot in mind and I wanna post it asap.
And here's a question: Do you guys think I should let mako and Korra have another daughter, for any other family stories I do?

PLEASE answer the question in the comments-thanks!


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