Midnight Moments (Makorra)

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Summary: A pregnant Avatar works up a ruckus in the middle of the night.



The night was silent, and their clock read 2:30 am.

"Mako, wake up," Korra moved to shake her husband.

He stirred lazily, but barely moving. Frustrated, she whacked him in the head with a cushion. "Mako!"

"What? The baby's coming?!" he shot up, and Korra sighed.

"No. The baby isn't coming." Korra glared. "It's just that...he's kicking hard,"

Mako wiped his tired eyes. "Wow, you gave me a scare for a second."

Korra frowned and carefully sat up as he held her. "Sorry."

Mako kissed her nose. "Don't worry about it, remember Pema? She didn't get a ton of sleep when she was carrying Rohan,"

Korra gazed at her husband. "I guess you're right. But still," She whined. "It bugs me,"

Mako chuckled as she winced, feeling a tap below her navel. Her shirt barely stretched over her stomach. Screw maternity clothes.

"Please, I don't know how he'll settle down,"

Mako wrapped one arm around his wife's shoulder, and brought another arm to stroke her belly.

Korra leaned against him, feeling no resistance from their baby. Moments later, a light tap hit Mako's hand, and elicited a gasp from Korra.

"Did you feel that?" Korra whispered.

Mako closed his eyes and rested his head on hers. "Yeah. He's really awake in there."

Korra sighed as the kicks ceased and Mako proceeded to lie her down before wrapping an arm around her.

"Thank you. You're gonna be a great father." Korra murmured, closing her eyes.

Mako smiled and kissed her gently, before replying. "You're gonna be an amazing mother."

Korra was left with a light emotion until morning, and she ultimately felt enlightened.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."


A/N: I realized I have the inability to write pregnancy fics -_-'

I know NOTHIN about stuff like that, other than the fact that babies like to kick you while you sleep.
So i kinda maybe sorta romanticized this situation....

Oh well,
I have a slight writer's block for my other fic-but dont worry I got started on it! It'll take place in February-The month of valentine's dayyyyy
Enjoy this sloppily written one-shot, and I'll see you all in the next ones!


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