After All These Years (Makorra/Krew)

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A/N: My take on Korra's reunion with her friends (and Mako)


Korra felt so much lighter-like her old self, but refined. She couldn't help but grin the whole way back to Republic City, as Ikki and Meelo described the changes that she had missed.

"And then, they even made a park after you! And you have this statue," Meelo exclaimed. "It's so big, and sometimes I get scared by it."

Korra laughed. "I'm scary?"

Jinora rolled her eyes at Meelo, smirking.

"And Asami did this huge ceremony for the railway system," Ikki said. "The trains look really cool-but I never rode in one. Your friend Bolin gets to be in a train all the time!" She whined.

Korra bit her lip and smiled, gazing down thoughtfully. So much had changed.


When the gleaming buildings came into view, Korra's stomach churned. She wanted to cheer out of sheer happiness or leap off the bison and into the water out of fear.

There would be alot of questioning, and she braced herself as she saw a tiny crowd of people in the Air Temple courtyard.

Once Jinora's bison landed with a thud, Korra took a quick second to admire the familiar trees and blue skies, and the faint bustle of the city.

"Korra!" A scratchy voice came from below.

"Dad!" Korra gaped.

He opened his arms, and Korra slid down and hugged him, tears rushing behind her eyelids as she felt them prick at the edges of her eyes.

"You look so different," Tonraq squeezed his daughter tight, and she did the same. "We were so worried. Where have you been? I thought you were here, and then we realized you were gone-"

"I sorta went to the Earth Kingdom. Well the swamp actually. I...I'm free of my fears and my poison. And I'm sorry for worrying you. Worrying you all." She glanced at Tenzin, who gave her a grin and Pema rushed over to hug the Avatar as well.

Suddenly, a group of four more people came.

Bolin...? Asami?

The impact of two people hugging her nearly knocked her over, but she immediately hugged them tightly. Bolin was messily whimpering in her shoulder while Asami patted his back and kept another arm around Korra.

"We missed you so much! And we're so glad you healed," Asami cried.

Korra felt the heat flush to her cheeks as Bolin hugged her again, and she felt so welcomed.

"Your hair looks radical!" Bolin gave her a thumbs up, brushing his own tears of joy off his cheeks.

Korra laughed, and she took note of two more people standing behind Asami and Bolin.

Chatter was erupting everywhere, but it was all muffled as she froze.

His golden eyes were entrancing, so much softer since the last time they had been with each other. They shone excitedly at her, though his exterior was lean, straight and his arms were crossed.

He looked more handsome than ever-and when he gave her a small hint of a smile and a raise of his eyebrows, she felt her heart pounding.

Bolin was blabbering about Opal, and Asami talked amongst the three airbending kids.

And again, their eyes met. 'What should I do..?' Korra blushed and glanced away cooly, before quickly glancing at him again.

This time he seemed much closer, and she watched as he walked a couple steps, his arms open.

Korra let all her concerns fly out the window as she ran to him, and slammed herself into his strong body.

The floodgates opened when he was thrown aback by her hug, and he ended up spinning her in his arms like they had many, many, many months ago.

Her tears soaked his shirt, and he was murmuring things to her with a light breathy chuckle in his voice.

Korra held onto him for dear life. His letters sucked-so seeing him in person brought herself to admire his presence after so long.

"Mako, you-" she stammered shyly. "Your hair,"

"I should be saying that to you," Mako laughed, his voice deep and soothing. His fingers-now gentle at the touch-brushed locks of her hair behind one ear. "Where have you been? You haven't replied to my letters..."

Korra ruffled his neat hair, and basked in his spiky style once again before replying. " the time I was having trouble healing...and I didn't know how to respond to a letter about Republic City's forecast."

Mako rolled his eyes. "Trying to make useful conversation topics, that's what I was trying to do."

Korra laughed and elbowed his arm. "Alright, Officer. Is this a new uniform? We're you promoted while I was gone?"

Mako shook his head. "I uh...I'm the bodyguard of Prince Wu." Mako gestured to the lanky man, making interesting movements as he spoke to Bolin and Asami.

"Having fun with that?" Korra whispered teasingly, and she blushed at how intruding she was being to his personal space.

All those thoughts soon died down when he grasped her hands. "Well, Wu is tolerable,"

And she released another giggle and he felt like smushing her between his arms again. He was so, so glad to have her back in his life.

Korra gazed up at him, and in a flash-it happened too fast-she pressed her lips to his cheek and stepped back, giggling at his expression.

"It's so nice to see everyone again. You guys have to show me my new park statue too," Korra sighed out of relief.

"Of course," Mako shrugged. Vibes were pouring off of everyone-their Avatar was back.

"And I know I said this but...I missed you, Mako. I really did." She held his arm, squeezing it.

Mako grinned at her as they started to walk to the others, who proceeded to move inside the temple. "I missed you too, Korra."

"I think I'm here to stay." Korra teased.

"Good. I'm so happy you're back. You've really changed Korra," He complimented.

Blushing, she merely grinned. "Everything's changed after all these years. And for once, I like the change."


A/N: so this story took a mind of its own after several sentences -.-'

But I do bet some of

You have seen Book 4: The Calling, right?

It was beautifulllllllll

Sorry if the oneshot seems confusing ^_^ it sounded wayyyy better in my head. I'm progressing slowly on my other story because i literally get homework on the weekend :/ so This was all i could throw together last minute.


And my Attack On Titan cosplay costumes came in the mail yesterday!!! :D

Okay thats enough rambling for me.


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