Crush (Makorra Modern AU)

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"I get the feeling that when Korra was a little girl, if she liked a boy she probably marched right up to him on the playground and punched him. And when young Mako liked a girl, he probably acted like he didn't know she existed..." -Bryan Konietzko


The playground was Korra's absolute favourite place to be. Every day, her mom would sigh at the mention of the park. Soon, as Korra turned seven, she was able to walk there by herself.

She would sit on the swings, challenging herself to push higher and higher until she tumbled backward, laughing.

Her eight year old friend, Asami would laugh at her friend, helping her up.

In fact, Korra met Asami at the park, where Korra pouted at Asami who went down the slide before she did.

Today, she bit her nails nervously as Asami ran up to her, dressed in her usual skirt and regular bows in her wavy black hair.

"I hope I get to go on the swing today," Korra grinned as they rounded the corner.

Asami laughed. "Let's hope nobody's on it, so I can swing too!"

They walked down the path and saw the playground equipment, along with a few kids running around.

Korra's eyes lit up. Not alot of kids meant more equipment to play on.

But, as soon as she glanced at the swings, she saw a boy on it, and there was another little kid pushing him.

"Higher!" The green-eyed boy giggled. "Higher!"

The other child, however, looked exhausted. His eyebrows furrowed. "I'm trying, Bolin!"

Asami made a small 'aww' noise while Korra sneered.

"Korra, we can wait for them. Right?" Asami looked at her friend, who was flushed red as she looked at the older boy.

"Who are those guys? I really wanted to swing," Korra whined.

Asami scanned the two before gasping. "Oh! Those boys are Mako and Bolin, they live on my street!"

Korra looked at the boy again, as his unique amber eyes rolled to the side at his younger brother.

"Wow..." She murmured.

Korra drew her eyebrows together. She felt all giddy and warm-should she say hi? Does she look okay? Should she wait for his turn to be over?

He was really cute, and his small smile directed toward Bolin made her all tense.

And he wasn't noticing her. But she really, really, for some reason, wanted him to.

Before she knew it, Korra stomped up to him, her feet digging into the gravel. He turned his head to acknowledge girl beside him, and was met with her fist.



Asami was rushing over to her friend who was blushing madly at the boy knocked on the ground, holding his face. The other kid-Bolin, jumped off the swing. "Mako! Are you okay?" His green eyes were wide.

Korra was holding her fist, and she gazed down guiltily as Asami helped the boy up.

"You punched me!" He exclaimed. His cheeks were flushed red as he gazed at anywhere but directly at her.

Korra felt bad-she really did, she might have bruised his attractive face.

"I-I'm sorry," Korra blurted out.

Mako frowned, and Bolin tugged on his sleeve. "Let's go see mama." Bolin dragged the taller boy away, as he sent a final glare at the blue-eyed girl before marching off, face burning crimson.

Korra winced as Asami screeched. "Why did you punch him?!"

She blushed. "I-I don't know, it's just...I-"

"Wait!" Asami held up a small hand. "Wait. You're-You're blushing," She covered her mouth.

Korra stomped her foot. "No I'm not! Only stupid girls blush."

Asami giggled. "Then you're the stupid one, you seriously are blushing!"

Korra felt her cheeks. They were warm.

"Don't tell me..." Asami's eyes widened. "You-You like Mako! Oh, this is so awesome!" She squealed. "You like Mako!! It's like love at first sight, oh, Korra! You love him!"

"No I don't!"

"You're still blushing," Asami stated proudly.


Mako was upset. He muttered a 'hi' to his parents before reaching into their fridge and digging into the icebox.

He held the freezing solid to his face, pouting at what had just occurred.

That girl...she was crazy!

Mako landed on his bed and thought about the girl. The only glimpse of her face he saw was her guilt-filled expression, along with a blush.

Oh, no.

Mako had heard many tales of blushing dames and handsome princes from his father.

And blushing indicated something romantic.


Mako groaned. "Why?" He muttered into his pillow. How could he like a crazy girl like her?

Then, he thought of her solemn look afterward and sighed. She could be forgiven.

Then he felt his own face heat up, and his pain subsided.


He was blushing.

'No! I don't like her! I don't even know her!'

Then, he glanced out of his window, to see if the girls left the park.

But he saw the girl walking with Asami, and entering her house a couple blocks away.

He nearly dropped the ice.

He was going to see her more often.


A/N: forgive me XD i really love the idea of Mako and Korra as kids...

I might make another oneshot based off the kid!Krew.

Only, maybe Mako and Korra would have grown up together and...uh...Korra wouldn't have hurt Mako's precious kid face ;P

Let me know what you think in the comments!


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