Weightless (Makorra)

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-Based off Korra's new Book 4 concept-


Everyday, things felt heavier to her.

She would stare out of the window, watching the bustling metropolis go on with it's many citizens across Yue Bay. And she was here. Stuck, sitting in her wheelchair and being tended to, like a child. Naga whined silently at Korra's feet, and she attempted to give a smile to her loyal pet, but sadly thinking she could not ride onto Naga anymore.

'Change can be good or bad.'

She has made a change, poeple are saying. Korra's tired of the feedback, both the negative and the positive ones. And Asami had tried telling her she would get better, but everyday she felt herself becoming more and more tired and lazy in the chair.

"Korra, I'm gonna go out and get some paperwork from the mail office." Asami told her. "I'll be back in an hour. Mako and Bolin are coming," She paused. "Well, Mako might not, he could be sleeping under his desk again,"

Asami's try at a joke didn't faze Korra's stare directed out the window. Asami sighed for her friend and left in silence. Once she was out of earshot, Korra wheeled herself over to her vanity mirror. Her dark circles were fading, but she felt as if lead was being strapped to her legs and shoulders. That was her weight of the world.

'When we are at our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change.'

Korra carefully opened one of the wooden drawers attatched to the counter, and fished her hand into it. And carefully, she pulled out something cold, and metal.

Glaring at the mirror, she took a deep breath. She was so tired of keeping a weight on her. 'Time to bring some change for myself.' People would be shocked if they'd find her after, but she didn't care. 'I deserve this. I want this.'

And with shaky hands, she bought the scissors up to her chest, by her neck and collarbone. She closed her eyes. With painful silence, the first slice boomed in her ears.


"Opal blew me a kiss over the phone," Bolin giggled. "And I tried hanging up, but she wouldn't hang up first!"

Mako frowned at Bolin's gushing admiration to Opal, who was meditating with the others at this late hour. He didn't agree to come to eat dinner at the Air Temple, and he didn't agree to leave the police station in the first place.

Ikki and Meelo flew out of the doors like whirlwinds of the planet, wind blowing their hair this way and that.

"Wow! It's been a long while, a really long while!" Ikki squealed, landing in front of Mako, while Meelo plopped down beside Bolin.

"Are you made of meat?" He poked at Bolin's calf, curiously.

"Are you guys here to eat dinner?" Ikki bounced alongside Mako. "Mom makes really good potato salad, and steamed veggies! Are you also here to see Korra?! And kiss her and hug her?! You should she's been sooooo bummed, and she is sooo sad all the time-"

Mako's mind trailed off to Korra. She was the reason he wanted, and didn't want to go to the island.

"Oh. Well is Asami around?" Bolin asked, casually letting Meelo gnaw on his sleeve.

"You mean that weird haired green eyed lady? Yeah she went out just now?" Ikki replied.

Mako felt relief. Asami usually made him stay away from Korra, stating it was 'making Korra stressed' if he was around. He hasn't seen her in a couple weeks, he just had to visit.

"Can I visit her?" Mako questioned as they turned a hallway.

Ikki shrugged. "Sure. Her room's on the right, the last door, have fun! Meet us later,"

Mako nodded and made his way to her room, knocking softly on the door.

No response.

Furrowing his eyebrows, he opened the door, and his jaw dropped.


'You brought change to the world.'

"Korra..." Mako paled.

Strewn brown hair was all over the floor, and there she sat, in the chair.

"Oh!" Korra turned to him. Her hair was chopped, a bit jagged, but still even at the lengths. Hair scattered her shoulders and the wooden ground, scissors in hand.

Mako walked up to her. "You did this?"

Korra bit her lip, like a child being caught, and lowered her gaze, blushing. "Yeah."

Mako couldn't say much, she was beautiful. The hair fit her so well, he would have never imagined her having short, shoulder length hair.

"It's ugly isn't it?" Korra huffed. "I felt like if my hair was off...it would be a change for me as well."

"It sorta is," Mako neared the water tribe girl. She looked a bit more happier than weeks before. "It's different. Like a good different."

Korra smiled at him as he stroked some of it. "It suits you. It's pretty."

She blushed and leaned into his hand. "Thank you."

Mako took the scissors from her hand and took uneven pieces through his fingers, weaving them through. Then he snipped a couple times. "Just evening it out."

She looked into the mirror. She was different.

Mako turned her wheelchair and smiled. "Ready for dinner?"

Feeling more lighter, Korra grinned and nodded. He planted his lips on the crown of her head before brushing through her new hair again.

Korra took a breath and exhaled, feeling all her stress simmer. And they left her. The weight was not so heavy on her shoulder.

With Mako behind her, and her change of look, she felt weightless. It was a change alright.

And the benefits were too good to deny.


A/N: what is this im trash OMG book 4 October 3 guys u ready last book



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