Educated Love (Makorra)

726 30 12

Summary: Mako meets a new staff member within the school.
Being a high school teacher was not much of a pain-the only problem with it was kids who give attitude.

Mako was pulling two students back for detention. "You can go and clean the test tubes for the next class. Oh, and don't try breaking them or defacing its material. Unless you have hundreds of dollars in your pockets I suggest you take this seriously."

The two males squeaked with intimidation as Mako leaned back in his chair and scanned the papers for the next lesson, until a knock at the door caught his attention.

"Principal Baatar," Mako smiled. He suddenly noticed a shorter woman next to him.

"Hello, Mako-I mean, Mr. Iwamatsu. This lady here is Miss Menzler, she's a new staff member at the school and we're just going around and showing her the students and other staff members." Baatar gestured to her.

"Pleasure to meet you, Miss Menzler." Mako gave her a smile, and he noted that her cheeks reddened slightly as she beamed at him.

"The pleasure is mine," She shook his hand.


It was lunch, and the staff wandered around supervising the students eating around the campus.

Mako held his cup of dark coffee, walking around the more deserted hallway.

"Mr. Iwamatsu!"

Mako whirled around to find Miss Menzler running clumsily in her pencil skirt and flats. "I found you," She grinned.

"Can I help you with something?" Mako questioned at her exhausted state. "Miss Menzler?"

"Can I hang around with you? The other teachers are a lot more older...and stricter. No offense to Miss Lin-butt-whipping-Beifong."

Mako let out a laugh, and she blushed again. "By the way, Mr. can call me Korra-if you want, that is...I-I'm not sure if we're supposed to, but I just-"

"Then you can call me Mako,"

She stared at him, before chuckling. "Okay, Mako,"

"So, what class are you assigned to?" Mako asked, attempting to initiate another conversation.

"So far, I'm stuck in the daycare right beside the school." Korra frowned. "One kid almost got his paint on my skirt!"

Mako chortled, imagining her flustered state around the rambunctious children. "Why did you dress so formally anyway?"

She crossed her arms as they rounded a corner. "I didn't really...well...I wanted to make a good impression. I've always wanted to see how the kids are and how much knowledge is really being passed here."

"You're a wise crack."

"Shut up."


It has been a couple months since Korra had moved to the school. Surprisingly, Bolin knew Korra. Opal was his girlfriend, and she worked in the daycare with Korra.

"Okay. The labels are due tomorrow, and we're having a quiz on Friday." Mako scribbled on the board. The room was buzzing with the murmurs of some students, but today, he didn't mind.

The school bell rang and soon he was alone in the classroom. He grabbed his bag and sighed, flicking off the switch.

'Would she reject this? Oh, this offer is so wrong, why am I doing this?'

Mako crossed the snow sprinkled sidewalk, and entered the daycare centre. He immediately saw Korra surrounded by a group of young kids, appearing to be ages 5-8. They were giggling as she grinned down at them, helping the younger group pull on their backpacks and zip up their fall coats.

"Hey, Mako." Opal smiled at him.

"Hi, Opal," Mako waved.

"You waiting for Korra?" Opal gestured to the busy woman.

Mako blushed slightly. "U-Uh....well,"

She laughed and patted his back. "It's alright, Mako. She's so kind to the kids, so I think your chances are good with her."

Mako grinned warily at her tone before she sauntered off. Once Opal ushered the kids out of the door, Korra was alone cleaning the tables. "Hey,"

Korra jumped, whirling around. "O-Oh! Hey,"

"You finished?" Mako asked. He had arrived after school before after Korra suggested an outing. Coming to each other after the bell rang was routine for the last few months.

Korra threw the dirty cloth away and picked up pieces of wrappers. "Yep, give me a second."

She grabbed her vest and took her bag, shutting off all the lights.

They walked out together, atmosphere oddly silent. "So, where to? I still don't have a car yet, so you might wanna drive me..."

"How about we go out tonight? It's Friday."

Korra blushed. "T-Tonight?"

"Yeah, unless you're busy then I understand-"

Korra shook her head. "N-No, it's fine. But...why me?"

"So we can get to know each other." Mako blushed. They had been playing this game for too long.

"If you like me, you could say so."

"Don't be ridiculous."

"I'm not! I-I maybe like you," She blurted out, catching Mako off guard. She hid her red face behind her hands.

"This isn't really a playground crush...but we're pretty old enough to let our feelings lead us." Mako flashed a charming smile at her.

She blushed, and shyly stepped up to him. Without thinking, her lips were pressed against his.


Mako's mind still buzzed as he walked into his class. They were talking amongst themselves once again, until a student raised his hand.

"Yes?" Mako addressed.

"Mr. Iwamatsu, are you and Miss Menzler dating?"

"W-Why are you asking such an insipid statement?"

Another student spoke up. "Our bus passed you guys, and we saw both of you kissing!"

Mako turned red. He wouldn't deny it, it was the most eventful occurrence he had in his bland school career.


A/N: in this one, Mako is 30 and Korra is 29
Enjoy :)


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