Duty (Irosami)

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-Takes place in Book 1, near the finale-


When she saw the General more close up, she was impressed, despite his wounds from the ambush on their fleet.

During their sleep inside the sewers-they shared it with a ton of other homeless refugees, including Gommu-she had gotten to talk to him more personally.

"So," he had a crooked smile on his chiseled, handsome face. "It's Miss Sato, right? Mako's girlfriend?"

"Well, I don't know how me and Mako are..." Asami glanced at the other side of the camp and saw Mako and Korra sitting against Naga. "But yeah. And you can just call me Asami, General."

Iroh chuckled. "Then you have to call me Iroh, then. General makes me feel older than I am."

Asami smiled. "Okay."

Then, Iroh sat beside her. "You don't mind if i sit here, right?"

Suddenly, feeling self-conscious, Asami felt her face get hot and brushed at her hair gently.

"So," Asami sighed. "All this is crazy, huh? I mean...sorry for the sudden call, its getting so bad around here...I've lost a few things myself,"

'Here I go, being a miserable sap.' Asami downcast her eyes.

Iroh gave her a sympathetic look. His eyes were like Mako's but instead of being a dark shade of amber, Iroh's were more of a honey shade. "Wanna tell me what's wrong?"

Asami grinned. "Alright. I was born, with my dad being the CEO of Future Industries. I was familiar with Sato Mobiles and airships at a young age, and they were my primary interest. I also took advanced Martial Arts, so i could defend myself."

Iroh seemed to be hypnotized by her words. "What is your relation with Korra and her friends then?"

"Well, I met Mako first. I ran him over with a moped." Asami blushed sheepishly.

Iroh gaped, laughing. And Asami found herself laughing as well. "Wow, didn't take you for the reckless type, Asami."

Asami crossed her arms. "Hey, it was an accident, he ran right out from behind a street car,"

"Alright, alright. Now I'm eager to hear the precious story of your meeting," Iroh joked.

"I...I was so attracted to him because he was a probender, and he was such a gentleman at the time." She quirked a smile at the memory. "But uh...then he suddenly got so busy, and I started seeing him less."

She continued. "I know he likes Korra. It's hard to accept...I lost my boyfriend to such an amazing Avatar, but I don't blame him. He's found someone."

"I haven't been involved with any girls either," Iroh sighed. "My grandfather is Lord Zuko, believe it or not."

Asami laughed. "My dad's a an ex-CEO in jail, I guess we both have some interesting relatives."

Iroh gave a charming smile. He was just like a prince, and so respectful to her.

"This was nice." Iroh leaned back. "Talking to someone who's as young as me. I'm tired of talking to oldies all the time." He grinned more when she let out a laugh again, the sound ringing in his ears.

"I hope we can talk like this again, once all of this is all over." Asami said.

"I hope so too. You're a good person Asami. I look forward to fighting beside you." Iroh smiled.

Her heart fluttered.

"Me, too."



Your admin is crying over the finale of bachelor in Paradise... XD


Im gonna put up a makorra one tho

But school has gotten hectic, but another chapter of my WTRC story is up,

So expect something!

Have a nice day ^_^


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