Nights Away (Makorra)

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Some days, he would come home late. Some days, she would get up early.

Most days, they end up missing each other by nightfall, torn away from one another due to their work calls.

Tonight was definitely one of those nights.

Korra spit into the sink, frothy, minty suds falling into the drain. She wiped her mouth and turned off their washroom light.

The small lamp illuminated their bedroom and Korra sighed, making her way over to her side of the bed. 'I wish Mako was here...who even works this late?!'

Korra reached for a bundle of newspapers and scanned a few headlines, sinking back into her pillow. The room was silent. And it bothered her.

Attempting to find interesting news in the newspaper, she wondered how Mako could read these tabloids so often.

Mako. There he is again.

Korra huffed at his absence and placed the newspaper away, and stared up at the cieling. She moved a hand to Mako's side, and frowned as it was cold and still untouched.

'I can't sleep...' Korra turned to her side, and felt empty without Mako's arms tightly wrapped around her waist.

She twisted again, and caught sight of a white cloth hanging over their headboard. His cleaned sleep shirt she pulled out of the dryer earlier.

Without much thinking, she caught herself reaching for it, tugging it off and bundling it in her hands, pressing it to her nose, and closing her eyes.

It smelled of sweeping smoke, and a hint of mint leaves that Mako usually puts in his tea.

Korra lay back down and burrowed into the blankets, clutching his shirt, feeling his presence.

And soon, her eyelids became heavy and she fell into a slumber, with his faint scent lingering in her senses.


Where was his sleep shirt...?

Korra said the dryer was done with the load, and that she would hang it over his spot on the bed for later.

Mako peeked into the washroom before rummaging through the laundry basket. It was late, and all he wanted to do was sleep.

He managed to drag himself from the front door to the shower, rinsing off the sweat and dirt on his skin.

Now, his sleep shirt was gone, and he would feel thw stinging chill of the winter season.

Heck, he couldn't maneuver his motorcycle in most areas due to the build-up of snow, and the tardiness of the snow ploughs.

Sighing, Mako scanned the closet.

"And all my other sleep shirts are in the washer." Mako muttered, shutting the closet and making his way to the bed, where Korra was already well into sleep.

He pressed a gentle kiss to her brow before pulling the covers over himself as well, looping an arm around her.

Suddenly, he felt the knuckles of her fist bump his bare skin. She was holding his shirt.

He felt a knowing smile plaster itself onto his face. 'She totally missed me.'

Mako reached for the shirt, and met resistance to the sleeping Avatar. He tried to pry her fingers off, but they latched back on and she groaned a bit.

Unimpressed, Mako held her hand gently and tugged on the shirt.

Another quiet sigh was emitted and Korra's eyes slowly opened as Mako pulled repeatedly for his sleep shirt.

"'re home," She gazed at him with bleary eyes, smiling.

Mako raised an eyebrow and gently tugged, and she looked at the material she was gripping. "Oh. Oops,"

"Thank you," Mako laughed, unravelling it and slipping it back on. "But tell me-why are you sleeping with my shirt?"

Korra blushed. "It just ended up in my hands. It must've fell, and i might've grabbed it in my sleep-"

Mako hummed sarcastically, and she slapped him lazily, though she missed as she was still tired from sleep.

"Mako, it's 2 am. Can we talk about it later?" Korra whined, embarrassed.

"No," Mako growled playfully, diving down and holding her tight. "I'm tired too, but please, humor me. Why are you sleeping with me shirt?"

Korra turned even more red, avoiding his burning look.

" missed me, didn't you," Mako teased, chuckling in her ear.

"Shut up..." Korra pouted. "You're never home, and your shirt makes a better substitute!"

"That's because it smells like me."

"You know I can't sleep when you're not with me." Korra whispered.

Mako smiled and allowed her to lay her cheek on his chest. He held her close. "I'm sorry I couldn't be around."

Korra lowered her gaze. "It's okay. I get it."

Mako tipped her chin up, eyes shining. "But," He started. "Lucky for you, Beifong granted me an off for tomorrow and the rest of the weekend. We cracked the case, and she said I deserved a break with you."

Korra's eyes widened, and she broke out into a grin, giggling. "It's about time,"

Mako laughed with her, kissing her sweetly before pulling away and pressing a tiny peck to her forehead.

"Goodnight Korra. No more sleeping alone," Mako murmured, a small smile on his face.

She leaned into his embrace. She grinned softly.

"No more sleeping alone."


A/N: okay my chapter for the other story is almost completed! ^_^
I'm really tired and i wrote this on a whim, sorry if it's rushed.

Welp, till the next oneshot! Bye :)
And if you aren't already, go check out my other stories! And thank you all for getting Welcome To Republic City 14 k reads!

I love you all <3!


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