Of Toys and Bells (Mako & Bolin/Makorra)

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"Come on, just don't make noise," Mako frowned as his five year old brother dashed out of their room, giggling.

"Okay, Mako!" The earth bender grinned, completely ignoring his instructions.

The two knelt down to their decorated tree, colourful lights emanating off the bulbs and illuminating the family room. Bolin let out am amazed sigh at the amount of wrapped presents and bags that rested by the trunk of the artificial tree. "Can I open one?"

Mako shook his head. "We can't, Bo! Mom and Dad might wake up."

It was 5:30 am. They weren't supposed to be up until 7:00 am, when their parents wake up.

Mako peered into one gift, labelled with his name. "Hey, I found the presents from Grandma,"

Bolin let out a loud cheer, making his brother flinch. "Bolin, quiet!" He said with a harsh whisper.

Bolin pouted and looked into his green gift bag, gasping at what lay inside. "It's a toy Sato Mobile!" He pulled it out with his tiny hand and gazed at the simple wooden contraption.

The wheels rattled against their floor and Mako made a panicked move to grab the toy. "Shhh, we can play with it later." Mako glanced hastily down the hall.

For the next 30 minutes, the two sneakily peeked into each present, before carefully placing the items back in to cover up their escapade.

"Whoa! Cousin Tu got me a pro-bending poster!" Mako exclaimed, losing control over his own excitement.

Bolin grinned in awe. "That's so cool!"

Suddenly, the lights flicked on.

Mako froze before stuffing the posters in the bag and turned around to find his mom and dad leaning against the doorway.

His dad was dressed in a green pajama set, chin still covered with stubble, while their mother shot both of them a questioning glare.

"We-We're sorry," Bolin burst out in tears almost immediately, while Mako frowned guiltily and looked to the side.

"Why are you sorry?" Their father frowned. "I just got up because I saw your bedroom doors were open,"

Before Mako could blurt out an excuse, Bolin beat him to it with a sobbing, "WE OPENED THE PRESENTS!"

Mako muffled a groan in his hands as Bolin was scooped up by their father.

"Mako," His mom strided over and gave him a condescending look, yellowish eyes piercing his. "Did you and Bolin open the presents?"

Mako turned red and pouted, eyebrows drawing together. She hid a smile. "Yes, mama,"

She let out a small chuckle and brushed his hair, before cupping his small face and kissing his forehead. "I can't believe you two didn't wait for us. Just wait for mommy and daddy okay?"

Mako nodded carefully.

"Good." She patted his shoulder before standing up and looking at her husband.

It was still early, but mere minutes from 7:00. "Do you guys want hot chocolate?" She grinned at her two boys.

"Yeah!" They replied, and she made her way to the kitchen.

Their father shot them a grin as the three raced to the tree, and proceeded to open their gifts together.



Mako opened an eye, hearing the light scuffle of feet on their hardwood floor.

He glanced at the clock-6:35 am. He turned over and held his wife, kissing her temple sweetly before mumbling in her ear. "Korra, someone's awake."

Korra didn't respond, sound a sleep.
"Korra, I think someone's awake,"

She lazily turned around and faced him. "It's probably Opal..."

"Opal and Bolin are sleeping in the guest room. I doubt they would get up so early anyway."

Korra pouted at him. "What do you want me to do?"

"Tell our daughter and our niece and nephew to go back to sleep," Mako frowned.

She chuckled and kissed him gently before patting his shoulder. "Alright, I'll be up in a second."

Mako dragged himself out of bed, and walked to the family room.

He was correct. The three kids were hunched over gift bags, giggling silently.

Clearing his throat, they all jumped and sheepishly gazed down at the presents they were holding. The scenario seemed vaguely familiar.

Mako fought back a grin. He's been in this position before. He flicked on the lights and crossed his arms. "What are you three doing?"

"Sorry, dad." Michiko twiddled with a long strand of dark hair, pouting. She definitely took after her mother.

"We're sorry, Uncle Mako!" Lee cried, his green eyes widening.

Jin bowed apologetically toward her tired uncle.

"You guys tried to sneak open these presents," Mako smirked. "Do I have to tell your parents?"

Lee and Jin shook their heads frantically. Michiko paled at the thought of her own mother angry.

"I won't tell anyone." Mako knelt down, grinning. "But, you gotta put the opened toys back in the bags. And then we'll make hot chocolate and nobody can know. Okay?"

Michiko smiled at her dad. "Okay!" The three exclaimed.

Moments later, Korra walked into the room with Opal and Bolin, and were surprised to find no presents opened. "Oh. I thought the kids were fooling around, Korra woke us up,"

Mako shook his head, serving the three mugs of warm beverage to them. "Nope. I guess they just wanted breakfast early."

"Well that's good." Opal smiled at the children, grabbing herself a mug of tea.

Bolin was already conversing with the kids, laughter and noise coming from their side of the room.

"What time is Asami and Iroh coming?" Korra asked Mako, once they were alone in the kitchen.

"Maybe around 9...? They brought more presents, and then Tenzin and Pema are coming, with the two kids. Jinora and Kai are delayed due to traffic,"

Korra nodded. "And Asami's bringing Shen and On-Ji?"

Mako smirked. "Why? You have a problem with their kids?"

Korra huffed. "They are sneaky children. All of them! You're too nice to let them clean up like that."

She bit back a smile as he kissed her lovingly, the slight taste of coffee staining her lips.

"It's all in the Christmas Spirit." He grinned, and she couldn't help but return his charming gesture.



So I believe Mako and Korra would start off with a kid first, because they love each other and stuff. But it would be one, cuz they have busy lives (though they would likely have a second kid).

And then Asami and Iroh would have a son and daughter, as well as Opal as Bolin.
Jinora and Kai would be living together, and uh...Tenzin, Pema, Ikki and Meelo still live together.

Mako&Korra: Michiko (8)

Opal&Bolin: Jin (7)
Lee (6)

Iroh&Asami: Shen (7)
On-Ji (6)

*Jin is older than Shen
*On-Ji is older than Lee
*Michiko and Jin's age gap is only a couple months that overlap the year

If so, let me know and I'll write more of these types of AUs.

~animerei:3 MERRY (late) CHRISTMAS

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