Special Delivery (Mako/Makorra)

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Summary: Bolin wasn't the only one who wrote to Korra. And he wasn't the only one to recieve her letters either. But Mako would like to keep that conversation to a minimum.

Writing letters become inevitable.


"Korra responded! Oh, thank spirits-it's been a week!"

Bolin tore open the side of the letter and Mako peered his head curiously over Bolin's shoulder.

'Dear Bolin,

Glad to know you're eager to write to me, I read your first letter on my way to the south.

I really appreciate how much you guys will miss me, and I'll miss you all too. I'll see you guys soon, so don't fret over me. Tell Asami I gave her my regards, and tell your brother he can write to me too, if he's interested.

Now I have to end it here, but I'd love to read another letter! I need rest, I am exhausted.



Bolin exaggeratedly wiped his 'tears.'

"You really should write to her, Mako." Bolin grinned up at his older brother, who was crossing his arms and bashfully looking away.

"If I feel like it," Mako murmured, blushing. "Right now, I uh...have some paperwork to file."

Bolin frowned. "Alright then. Don't get too buried underneath all that work,"

"I won't."


Asami was recieving letters from her too. Mako felt so awkward, just imagining himself writing a letter to Korra.

What would he send to her anyway?

'Hey, I'm sleeping under the desk again, it got renovated-no more cobwebs!'

'As you were, Korra.'

'I love you and your beautiful handwriting,'


Mako facepalmed just thinking about the things he would write.

"Mako! Wanna see the letter Korra sent?"

Mako shrugged and sighed. "Alright."


You would be freaking out if you were on this ferry. I imagine you saying something about clean floorboards, or sturdy handles and polished brass doorknobs or something like that. Katara performed another healing session on me, and my muscles are aching. I can't wait to see you and Bolin and Mako. It's so different without you guys here. I'll be waiting for a reply, so don't forget about me!

Your best friend,


P.S, tell the airbenders I said hi. I know from Tenzin's letter that Meelo and Rohan are being really antsy lately.

P.P.S???, Is Mako doing work again? I want to read a letter from him. Let me know if he's alright.

P.P.P.S......, Thanks!'

Mako rolled his eyes, chuckling.

Asami laughed as well. "She's still got that playful side in her, doesn't she?

"Quite cheeky, too." Mako noted, blushing at the mention of his name in the letter.

Folding it up and tucking it back in the envelope, Asami brushed off her legs and stood up, gazing at him. "You know...she's probably waiting for a letter right now. Try writing one, for her." She gave a reassuring smile and patted Mako's arm.


'And I end up here...' Mako frowned.

He sat with a shaky hand, ink pen in hand. He groaned at his penmanship, compared to the decently neat, easy-to-read writing of Korra's. The characters on the paper were a treat to read, and it was obvious she had practice with handwriting. But him...

Opportunities to write letters and notes didn't come often, so his writing evolved into a straightforward, messy, chicken-scratch identical scrawl.

He finally figured out what he was going to say, awkward or not. Mako felt a zeal to put his feelings out there, and so as nearly as he could, he began to write.

'Dear Korra,

Sorry I didn't write to you...uh, I was at work again. Beifong mentioned herself and wanted to greet you...so...hey. It's different without you here. You lighting up the room when you enter, or your playful bending matches, or your grin that just lightens up the mood. I'm getting a bit weird with my words aren't I? But that's how I feel and I wanted to get it out there. I miss you, we all miss you. Please come home soon.


Blushing at how corny he just was, he immediately folded it and shoved it into the envelope, delivering it to the mail carrier and forgetting about it.

It was just a one time thing...

Surely her response would be something normal, and then that would be the end of the letters and he would soon catch himself up at work again.

Days on end pass by and he eventually does forget about the world around him, all absorbed in work. Work. Work.

Then, his co-worker Kuzon strolls into the office. "Yo, Mako. This came in the police mail for ya."

Eyes lifting up, Mako took the envelope. "Thanks." He froze. He recognized the neat handwriting on the cover. Korra.

Completely dazed, Mako silently excused himself and leaned against the wall in the empty hallway outside of the main office.

Mako furrowed his eyebrows, carefully singeing the edges of the envelope and unfolding the paper.

'Dear Mako...

You're in luck, City Boy-that's exactly how I feel. I miss you too, and I will be coming back to you. I promise.

Forever and Always.



Mako placed a hand on his sweaty forehead and smiled, scanning over her simple but true words over again. And over, and over.

A flustered smile formed on his face.

It was the most perfect thing he had ever read, and she had sent him something that would eventually foretell their fated reunion.

All he could do was wait.

But it was all he needed.





P.S im gonna be completing the fluff chapter for my other story so look out for that ^_^ in other words...



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