Nightmares (Makorra)

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Somehow he just knew if something was up.

After Amon and Unalaq were defeated, Korra was usually shaken for a couple of days, recieving bad dreams.

So when he heard a cry in the middle of the night-he didn't feel like sleeping anyway-he bolted out of his room and went into Korra's room which was right beside his.

He silently padded toward her bedside, and saw how her breaths were quick and heavy, her eyebrows furrowed and her head turning in the pillow occasionally.

Mako hushed her and stroked her hand, and she expelled a quiet whimper before her tired eyes shot open.

Neither of them spoke.

The look in her blue eyes was longing, dread, and anxiety.

He couldn't blame her. She was probably traumatized by half of the things the Red Lotus pulled on her.

He let her breaths even out, kissing her hand and patting her head. "It's alright."

Korra suddenly reached for him with the little strength she had, and she croaked out to him. "Mako,"

He looked at her. "Hm?"

The dark circles under her dull eyes were prominent in the glowing moonlight, indicating she hadn't been sleeping for a while now.

"Hold me, please...stay," Korra murmured.

Was she still conscious? Mako didn't hesitate though, if it meant comforting her.

She just needed someone to hold onto.

So he gently moved her over and slid in beside her, gathering her limp body in his arms.

It didn't matter who loved who or what was happening, they were just two people in need of comfort.

She relaxed in his arms. Still a bit tense, but she mostly melted at his touch. She nuzzled his chest and soon her sporadic breaths ceased and were replaced with soft snores.

Mako smiled as she finally relaxed. He kissed the crown of her head and closed his eyes.

It was the only form of an "I love you," that he could give, but it was more of an "I'm here for you," action.

Both sleeping off into the young night, they held each other until morning.



And then im off, cuz i gotta sleep ^_^'

Next fic will either be an Irohsami or Boleska fic. *shrugs*

Bye my fellow readers and writers!


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