I Am Me and Only Me

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"N-No way..." I said, trying to recall what Zeref said.

"Natsu, I am your father," he repeated again.

"No! My father's name is Igneel!" I shouted, trying to ignore the words.

"Natsu... I know that this is hard to take in but, you must listen to me." He said.

"No! You're not my father! Not in my past life or in this one!" And my fist ignited into a golden flame.

"I see you've made your choice to go against me..." Zeref's expression turned dark as his body disappeared.

"Nani?! Where'd he go?!" I shouted as my own body began to disappear.


The trance around me had broken but, the others are still trapped. I look at Jiemma and I feel my blood boil.

"Don't get discouraged, Jellal," Mystogan told me.

"Hai..." I said.

I then noticed something odd about Natsu and the others infected with Nirvana.

Natsu's eyes were looking directly down while at the same time, Meredy and the others had their eye color flash from their original to red.

"This is your chance, Jellal! We have to get rid of the source of the nightmares." Fernandez shouted.

I had to strike now. I won't get another opportunity like this. I aimed for Jiemma and felt the other Jellal's shout with me.


Jiemma was surprised as his body was blasted away and the others were free of the charm.

"Jellal-nii!" Romeo shouted.

I woke up from Earthland Lucy's memory and I saw Natsu. His eyes were fixated directly on me.

"Lucy..." Gajeel put his hand on my shoulder.

"Hai..." I said. I know what has to be done now.

I summoned Gemini from my phone to reveal Gemi, a boy with short blue hair and eyes with a dark blue shirt, and his sister Mini, a girl with shortish blue hair and eyes with an orange shirt.

"Hai, Lucy-sama!" They said together as they shapeshifted into me.

"Are you ready?" I said.

"Hai, Lucy-nee!"

"Anything for Lucy!"

"Let's kick ass, Shrimp!"

"Stupid Gajeel!"

"Juvia will help Gray-sama!"

"I cut them to ribbons!"

"Meredy will have to open her eyes."

"We will fight as well."

"Gomen! I shall try to help Loke!"

"I will help too!"

And in that instant, a huge ball of fire appeared around Natsu.

"Don't forget about me, Lucy! I'll fight too!" His famous smile plastered on his face.

"Right, Natsu..." I softly smiled.

I thought of Mom and Dad before all this chaos had happened. We were just a normal family. But, I think that if I wasn't normal, I never would have met Natsu or Levy or any of the Dragneels.

Fate has a funny way of planning things.

"Be ready to feel what happens when you mess with family! UNISON RAID!"

As the screams began to die down, I feel myself falling. Is this the end?

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