Waking Up

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(Location: Magnolia Hospital)


I was walking, that's what happened. I was just walking to school. Then, I got hit by something. I think it was a baseball bat.

I hit rock bottom on the concrete. Sabers surrounded me and began betting me. I didn't recognize any of them but, there was one face that I do remember.

A man, a rather large man was there. He was huge with a spiky white beard. He was Sabertooth's principal.

I couldn't get them to stop kicking and then, I heard a gun go off.

I was back in the park, the park with the cherry blossoms. The park where I kissed Erza.

I was going down again, and I felt my insides caving in. There was blood rushing out of my mouth and I heard nothing but Erza's screams.

I saw Mom and she was telling me to hang on. She told me that Dad was in trouble. She also told me not to let Gajeel forget his umbrella. This is all so confusing.

And Erza's screams didn't help. The pain gushing from my wound kicked in and it was unbearable. It's like when someone sets your insides on fire.

It's too much! Someone help!


I woke up in Jellal's hospital room again. I must've fallen asleep in the chair.

It's been a few days since Jellal's operation and the doctors said that he would wake up in due time. I had to be patient.

I never left his side. My boss heard about what happened and allowed me off for a few days to see if Jellal would wake up. My siblings looked out for his siblings and make sure that they were alright.

They're worried that he might not wake up at all. I'm just as worried as they are.

I got up to stretch my arms and I walk over to the sleeping bluenette. Before, he was wearing an oxygen mask but, he's now stable enough to go without it. But, he's still hooked up to the IV, the heart monitor and his blood bag.

Otherwise, he looked like he was sleeping. His blue hair is all messy and his lip were open slightly, making him look kinda cute.

Then, his face scrunched up. He looked like he was having a nightmare. He kept on muttering for someone to help him.... and about his mom.

I laid my hand on his cheek and he calmed down. I took the hand on his cheek and brushed his bangs out of his closed eyes.

And suddenly, I heard, "Hey.... Scarlett...."

Jellal's brown eyes were opened slightly and he smiled at me.

I smiled and lightly slapped his cheek.

He pretended to look hurt and asked, "What was that for?"

"That was for scaring me." I said.

I reached down and kissed his lips.

"And that was for everything else." and I straighten myself.

A few weeks after Jellal finally woke up, the doctor allowed him to leave but, he was told to take painkillers until his wound was fully healed. His siblings were thrilled, both his sisters tackling him in a hug and his brothers sweat dropping in the background. Thank god he wasn't brought back to the hospital because he was slammed onto the porch by his sisters hugging him.

My siblings were also thrilled to see that Jellal was given a clean bill of health. But, something about our dinner that night was off. Gray was a bit off to me.

As I was cutting my steak, I asked," Gray, is something wrong?"

Gray immediately got up from the table and went to his room.

"What's wrong with nii-san?" Wendy asked.

"He seems a bit off lately. Hasn't he?" Levy noted.

"Maybe, there's something going on between him and his girlfriend." Natsu said, three of us becoming surprised.

"Gray got a girlfriend?!" I said, spitting out my drink from shock.

"Yeah. I actually think that I heard them making out the other day in his room...." Natsu continued.

Levy covered Wendy's ears and shouted, "WENDY'S IN THE ROOM, BAKA!!!"

"And he admitted that there's a thing going on between him and Juvia." Natsu said, chomping onto another piece of meat.

"As long as he's dating Juvia, I don't mind." I said and Levy released Wendy's ears.

So, my little brother's finally over Ultear?

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