Things I Never Said

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"What do you mean Gray Dragneel survived?!"

"We're sorry, sir. We ran him over with the bus but, he's still alive."

"Then the resurrections have begun."

We only need one more thing:

Meredy Milkovich

"Someone go to Magnolia Hospital and get me the magulity magic girl."


I woke up on Meredy's bed. I fell asleep again, didn't I? Sigh.

I got up from the bed and noticed something glowing on Meredy's wrist.

I picked up her hand and examined it. A glowing pink charm bracelet? No, it's a tattoo, a glowing one. A tattoo that glows pink....

WHAT?! That makes no sense. Besides, Meredy would never get a tattoo cause, she hates those things.

Wait... there's one on me too! I never got this tattooed on me!!! What the hell?!

"Lyon!" I heard.

That was Meredy's voice. I looked at her but, she was still asleep.

"I must be going nuts. I mean, I'm hearing Meredy's voice but... It's all in my head, that's all." I said.

"No, I wouldn't say that." I heard her say.

I completely freaked out.

"THE HELL?! Meredy?!"

"Sorry if I scared you."

"It's official. I've gone crazy. It's the only logical answer!!!"

I heard her sigh.

"Wait so, you're in my head, Mer?"

"Well, yes and no. Nevermind! I'll tell you later. Right now, you need to take me to Gray Dragneel's room."

"What's going on anyway?!"

"I said that I'll explain later! Please, Lyon!"

I sighed. I must be really crazy for doing this. I picked up the pink-haired girl bridal style and carried her to Dragneel's room.

I busted the door down and saw Gray and Juvia making out. And then, they noticed I was there.

I heard Meredy giggling in my head and I smirked.

Both Juvia and Gray blushed and seperated.

"Lyon-san, what are you doing here?! And why are you carrying Meredy?!" Juvia shouted.

"Actually, I don't know why myself." I answered, putting Meredy on a chair.

"That makes no sense, idiot." Gray said.

"Tell them to relax for a second." Meredy said.

"Relax guys. This'll only take a second." I told the two.

"What will?" Juvia asked.

Just like what happened to me, Gray and Juvia's tattoos appeared.

"We are now all connected." Meredy said, freaking the other two out.

"Wait! Meredy said something but, she didn't say anything and the glowing thingy on my wrist and-" Gray lost his breath from speaking too fast.

"I can explain that." Meredy said.

"Please do, Meredy-san." Juvia said.

"Well, first of all, Gray is correct. My body is unconscious but, I am still able to speak using my power in my subconscious." she explained.

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