Gray Gets Answers

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(Location: Dragneel House; Gray's room, three days after Jellal's shooting)


Everyone at school heard about what happened to Juvia's older brother. Loke and Aries told Lucy and the others something interesting about it too.

They said that it might be the work of our rival academy, Sabertooth.

I did some research and a bit of digging into the Heartfilias and all of a sudden, everything connects.

Juvia's parents with the help of Mr. Makarov, the school principal, filed a lawsuit on Sabertooth's principal for harassing and physically beating Jellal (when he was in high school).

Jellal (along with Ultear and Meredy) was in something called the Crime Sorciere when he was in Fairy Tail and his main targets were from Sabertooth. One day, Sabertooth's principal and some of his students ambushed Jellal and were beating him up. Lucky for him, Mr. Makarov found him and called the cops.

Then, Ultear got into her staged car accident and Juvia's mom died several months after. Her dad disappeared and the threats appeared.

Lucy gets a message from Sabertooth, who told her to watch out.

Juvia gets these strange phone calls from a person, who has her father and is the one that staged Ultear's accident.

And now, Jellal gets shot in the park, right after the last call that creeps made to Juvia.

It has to be someone from Sabertooth. There's no mistaking it. There has to be a connection!

I was so concentrated with all my thoughts that I didn't hear my phone go off. I looked to see who it was.

It was Hibiki.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Yo, Gray. I de-coded that number for ya," he said.

Finally, I'll get some answers!

"Send me what you've got," I said.

"You got it!" Hibiki exclaimed and he hung up.

After a second, I got a text. It was only two words. A first name and the last name. This name only proved my theory.

The number that had been calling Juvia belongs to Minerva Sabertooth, Jiemma Sabertooth's daughter. I'm guessing that the mastermind had to be Jiemma since the person over the phone was a man.

"I have to tell Juvia and the others!" I thought.

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