Lucy Attempts

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Location: Fairy Tail High

January 17th

~Natsu~ (Haven't seen him in awhile!)

Every news anchor in town was here to hear about the famous Heartfilia case. The police had originally taken their case when Lucy's dad first disappeared but now, it's a number-one priority to find who is after them. After Romeo and Jellal were mailed their dad's thumb with his wedding ring, it became clear that their father didn't have much time.

Gajeel is still unconscious in the hospital and my sister, Levy is still mortified from finding him. She insisted on coming to school though.

Erza decided to take the day off and help Jellal. Gray and I told her that we could take care of the others.

Gray stayed close to Juvia in class and during school. He also manages to scare off the reporters that come to ask questions.

Romeo was still in shock from receiving his dad's thumb but, Wendy made sure that he was kept a close eye on.

Lucy... Now, this is getting annoying. Every time I walk her to class, we're instantly surrounded by reporters and Lucy begins to freeze. I try to scare them off but, it has to be Gray that saves us every time. Sometimes, after the reporters disappear, Lucy curls into a ball and cries. This is a bit too much for her.

Right now, I'm in the one class I don't have Lucy with: History.

I actually liked History but, that's mainly because of where I'm seated. I sit all the way in the back of the classroom so, the teacher doesn't pay attention to me.

I was asleep until, my phone buzzed. I took it out and it was from Lucy.

~Luce <3~: hey

~Natsu~: hey, luce!

~Luce <3~: can i talk to you?

~Natsu~: sure!

~Luce <3~: can you meet me on the roof during free period?

~Natsu~: sure

And Lucy stopped texting afterwards. Even though it was hard, I managed to fall back asleep, only to be woken up by the bell five minutes later.

I was the first one out the classroom. I had to see Lucy. She needed me. I raced up the the roof and bashed the door open. The roof was quiet, all I could hear was the wind blowing.

And there she was. Her blonde hair swaying in the wind. She was standing right on top of the railing on the roof. A bit too close for comfort to me. Her face turned towards me, fresh tears coming out of her brown eyes.

"Lucy! What are you doing?! Get down from there!" I shouted.

"I have to do it. I have no other choice. I have to die to save everyone." she said, the tears slipping down.

"No, that's not right. You live for your friends, you don't die for them. Don't you see, your siblings need you! Your friends need you! I need you!" I shouted again, grabbing her wrist.

She stared at me in shock and I carefully took her down.

I took her down to the floor. As soon as her feet touched the floor, she fell down. I decided to pick her up princess style and carry her to the nurse's office.

As she hung on to me, she would cry, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"Lucy. Why were you on the railing?" I asked.

"Sting Eucliffe... He called me." She said.

Sting Eucliffe. I remember that guy. Me and Gajeel beat him and his brother in a school tournament that we had a while ago. I never liked that guy. He kept looking at Lucy wrong.

"What did he do?" I asked.

Lucy froze and began shaking. I cursed under my breath.

"H-He told me to kill myself or else, I'll be the last Heartfilia left. And if I told anyone, everyone I love is going to disappear." she stuttered.

I stopped and froze where I stood. The last Heartfilia? Disappearing?

"Natsu?" Lucy asked, looking up at me.

I remained silent and walked to th nurse's office. I was shocked to see that Miss Porulyisca wasn't in the room. I placed Lucy on one of the beds and turned to leave but, she grabbed my wrist and held on tight.

"Please, don't go," she told me.

Free period was going to end but, I didn't give a crap about that. I came back and sat by her. She let go of my wrist and grabbed my hand instead.

"I'm scared, Natsu. Sting threaten to kill my family, your family, Mira, Loke, Aries, everyone I love, if I told someone. And I told you! Something bad is going to happen, right?" Lucy asked.

I came down and lightly kissed her forehead, causing the both of us to blush.

"W-Why did you do that?" she asked, her blush becoming redder.

"I-I wanted to shut you up... You're being so negative." and then, she Lucy-kicked me.

Yep, she's back to normal.

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