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True to her words, Atsuki-san went on bothering me again. Every morning she would kick my desk and basically would take whatever is on my desk to either throw it out of the window or drop and stepping on it. So, I just decided to not take anything out. She got creative, if I don't have anything on my desk, she would take my bag and empty it out on the floor. Yuki asked if he should talk to her again after witnessing it once, I told him it was fine.

We're finally getting our test results back today. Haruka-sensei came in with the results, she called us up and handed us a piece if paper with the results. Atsuki-san rolled her eyes after seeing her grades. "This is bullshit," she said, ripping her paper and throwing it away.

Yuki got his grades and he smiled, he did well, I can tell. "How did you do?" I asked.

"Better than I thought" he said, showing me his grades. He's got 95+ on all his tests.

"So smart" I said, handing it back to him. Haruka-sensei then called my name and I went up to get it. "Great job" she said. I looked at it and got all 100s. I smiled, mom and dad would be proud, I thought.

"How did you do?" he asked as I sat down on my desk. I handed him the paper and his eyes widened a bit.

"No wonder Shimada-san keeps going to you for help" he commented as he gave me back my paper.

"Alright class, sports day is coming up and I have a sign up sheet here if anyone wants to participate in any sports" Haruka-sensei announced, showing the sheet.

"We'll never win an event against Tanaka-sensei's class" I heard someone say.

"They have a lot of athletes in their class while we have..."

"We have nerds" Atsuki-san finished, looking at me.

"Don't be discouraged, those who wants to participate, please put your name on the sheet and then we will plan on how we're going to defeat them" Haruka-sensei encouraged.

We all lined up to see what events are on it. I saw tug of war, relay race, sack race, 3 legged race, etc. I guess I could sign up for the race.. as long as there's no hand-eye coordination involved, I think I'll be fine.

"Are you signing up for anything?" I heard Yuki asked from behind?

"Probably the races" I answered, "you?"

"Same thing, anything that's not too physical, I'm trying to avoid any injuries" he said.

"Oh yeah, I heard you guys are doing well"

He nodded.

Yuki and I signed up for the relay race and 3 legged race.

Class went on as usual. For some reason, I couldn't focus on anything today. I keep glancing at Yuki. He caught me once, wait.. twice, staring at him. He smirked both times. 'Focus, Mio,' I thought. Then I realized, why was he looking back?

I pretended that I was actively taking notes, but I'm actually trying to see if he would turn back to look at me. About 5 minutes later, I looked up and saw him staring, he quickly turned away. 'Gotcha,' I thought. I tore a paper from my notebook and wrote something on it. I threw it at him and he discretely opened it. He wrote something down before throwing it back. I opened it and read what he wrote, 'I was looking at a nice view.' I looked back and found him looking back at me, he winked before looking straight to the front. My heart fluttered... Shit.

The day ended, Yuki had to go to practice and I have to go to the shop to help out. I noticed Atsuki-san and a few other girls by the school gate. I hope they're not coming after me. The moment we made eye contact, I knew I was done for.

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