It's Blinding

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Yuki visited for a weekend and he apoligized for what happened. When he arrived in my apartment, he looked exhausted. Bags under his eyes and his skin was dull. He needed some tlc and that's what he got that weekend. I made sure to cook him some hearty meals, he got a lot of sleep, and I made sure that he got some exercise in as well.

"I don't know what I would do without you..." he told me as I prepare some snacks. He was on the couch covered in blankets as he just got out of the shower after we went out for a short jog.

"Trying to sweet talk me into something?" I asked.

"Just some cuddles"

"Uh huh"

"Whaaaat?? I just miss cuddling with you and I'm leaving tomorrow" he whined.

I brought a plate full of onigiri and put it on the coffee table as I joined him under the blankets, between his legs.

"I'll visit during AVC, it's in Chiba right?"



"You'll watch me play?! In person?!" he sat up excitedly.

"I've seen you play before"

"I know, but that was then. I'm a captain now and you'll see me play as a captain"

"I also get to see Ran and Tatsu play"

He pouted.

I handed him an onigiri and he thanked me as I got one for myself as well. I like this... just relaxing with him and enjoying the peace and quiet. Unfortunately it had to end, he had to go back to Tokyo and train for AVC.

Not even a week after leaving, he called saying that he's experiencing a little bit of back pain. I left for Tokyo the day after the call. His doctor told him that it's nothing serious and will need to rest, but he was adamant that he was alright. It took about two days to convince him to not overwork himself, to not practice too hard.

"Yuki, love... if you keep pushing yourself to your limit, you might actually hurt yourself" I told him one time when Ran facetimed me, showing Yuki practice his serves again and again.

"I'm just working on my serves" he explained.



"Good, it's for your own good"

AVC started and just as I thought, he didn't play the first match. He was disappointed, but the team did well with him cheering on the side. They won against Qatar, 3-0. I haven't really seen them play in person, I've seen them practice, but this is totally different. I don't know what it is, but seeing them play in person is just... mesmerizing? They just all look cool.

I messaged him and told him where I'm staying at for the duration of the competition. Luckily, we were staying in the same hotel, but I was on the floor above theirs. While I was in the lobby, I saw Aya walking with a couple of girls, they were wearing some sort of uniform... here for work I guess. Yuki walked in right after, smiling and chatting with someone, he looks like a new member. He saw me waiting and bid farewell to the other guy before heading to where I was.

"Hey" he said, hugging me.


"When did you get here?" he asked.

"Earlier today, how's your back?"

"It's getting better, just kinda sucks I didn't get to play"

"It's just to prevent injuries, I'm sure they'll put you in when needed"


We headed to his room so he can wash up and relax. Luckily, he's got the room to himself.

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