Go Out With Me?

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I woke up late the next day. I was up all night thinking what Yuki was going to say. Why does he not want me to go tonight? I don't think they're in a bad relationship, they're teammates. I had lunch and told my grandma that I will not be able to help out tonight because I'm going out.

"Are you going with Yuki-kun?" she asked.

"Ah no, not with him. I'm going out with Shimada-san, his teammate" I told her. She looked a bit disappointed when she heard that.

"Alright, here.. just so you'll have extra money to spend" she said taking out money from her purse.

"I'm alright, obaasan.. Mama and papa left me money.."

"Save that money for university and for emergencies, alright? You've been helping out a lot in the shop and I don't even pay you.. so at least take this"


"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. The shop is doing well and I still have savings"

I nodded and reluctantly took the money. I gave her a gentle hug before going back to my room. She's getting old and she won't be able to handle the shop by herself in a couple of years unless she hires someone... I looked at the money in my hand, I didn't want to spend it so I just put it in my piggy bank.

Shimada-san and I decided to meet at around 4pm at the movie theater and then have dinner right after. I didn't wear anything fancy, just a pair of jeans, loose white tshirt that I tucked in loosely, a pair of Adidas superstars, and a black small shoulder bag with gold chains. I curled my hair a bit... loose curls. I did a simple eyeliner, put on some mascara, and clear lip gloss. I think I look nice enough.

I arrived in front of the theater and Shimada-san was already there. He actually looks nice when he's not in his school uniform. A pair of jeans, black shirt that's fitting him nicely, and a pair of sneakers. The short sleeve on his shirt shows off his toned arms, which I did not know that he has. He smiled and waved at me when he saw me.

"You... you look amazing" he said.

"Uhmm... Thanks, you look good too" I replied.

There were a few romance movies showing at the theater that he said we could watch, I opted for Brad Pitt's 'World War Z' instead. The movie was... uhmm... cool. Scary, but I liked it. It was creepy and worrying that it could happen in the future, but I enjoyed it. Shimada-san on the other hand looked uncomfortable throughout the whole movie. I guess he's not into movies like this. The movie finished and he went straight to the men's room. I checked my phone and saw a couple of missed calls from Yuki and a message.

'How's the date?' he asked.

'It's not a date, remember? We just finished watching WWZ' I replied.

Shimada-san came out of the men's room and we headed to the restaurant that he chose. It was an Italian restaurant called The Kawabun, he made reservations for it. The restaurant was beautiful, but a little too romantic for my liking. We had a small chat about volleyball before the food arrived. The way the food was presented, I could already tell that the place is expensive.

"Do you have any plans for Summer break?" he asked.

"Iie, I'll probably just spend it helping my grandma with the shop"

"I see"

"How about you?"

"Well, my family is taking a trip at Okinawa to bond.."

"Okinawa is beautiful.."

"Where in Okinawa were you from again?"


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