"Yo! Seems like ya know my baby cous'! My name is Hinata, Amaya. I'm Hinata's cousin. To make this simpler for everyone, just call me Maya~Chan for short.".

NAME (First)Amaya (Last)Hinata

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Closeted Bi-sexual


"Who cares if it's just one, two, or even three points!? As long as that score doesn't hit 25 without us, then those won't matter! We'll earn those points back. I'm sure of it!"

 I'm sure of it!"

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A calm and understanding person, it seems her patience has no bounds to those she deems as family. She cares for friends and teammates as though their her family. To her friends are as precious as diamonds and would never allow anyone to harm them. The only thing that can break her calm is when someone purposely hurts her friends, especially if they did it to spite herself. Then she gets absolutely pissed off and guilty.
She also a bit of a show off with her athletic ability. It wasn't anything relating to arrogance or overconfidence, it's more so to see people surprised. She feels a sense of pride whenever she catches someone off guard with the things she can do. Makes her feel smart and invulnerable. Something she strives to keep forever more.
Despite her show-off-y nature, she can't make up her mind to save her life. From what sport she should play to what she should eat for lunch, she could never make up her mind for hours. Usually people have to help her choose. Hell it took her three years to narrow down which sport she should play after simultaneously playing three teams a year, in school and out of school. But thanks to doing so many different things at once, she learned to adapt quickly to whatever situation she's in. Thinking on her feet and devising strategies based on her teammates, she's constantly molding herself like clay to a new shape. To better her opponents and to make sure her team doesn't lose.
That still doesn't mean she doesn't get caught off guard herself from time to time, she is human after all.
Despite her skill and smarts on the court, she isn't that great academically. She isn't terrible but it's nothing to write home about either. She's only sports smart, so I guess sorta like a meathead almost.
Whenever she loses a game, she pushes herself to practice so much it's a miracle she didn't get herself injured.

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