Roselyn Mills
'The Good Witch'
The Good Mills
Auntie Rose
Rose Bud
younger then Regina but a few years older then snow
Claire Holt

NameRoselyn MillsNicknameRoseRosaLynRoss'The Good Witch'The Good MillsAuntie RoseRose BudAgeyounger then Regina but a few years older then snowGenderFemaleLooks/FCClaire Holt

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Magic (if any)
Her magic is much like reginas, just she never let her mother know about it. She tried to learn how to control them on her own, but it was almost impossible. She didn't tell her mother, cause she didn't want to be corrupted like her dear sister was. She was alone in the woods one night when the blue fairy found her. The blue fairy taught her how to use her magic in the right way, to do good and make light from it. She trained with the blue fairy in secret while her mother was none the wiser.
Honestly I need help deciding one. I want her to have a love interest, just I don't know who.
(Possibly Jiminy Cricket or Peter Pan)
Roselyn was born as the younger sister to Regina Mills. She was unexpected to their mother Cora, and not very wanted. When she was born, it seemed she didn't have magic like Regina, and since she was younger, she was invaluable.
Cora mostly ignored roselyn and focused on Regina, for she had more potential for greatness. This was a blessing and a curse for roselyn. On one hand she avoided the controlling witch of a mother, on the other she was definitely the butt of her mother's lectures for Regina. Telling her that she shouldn't be a failure like her sister. Regina always stood up for her little sister, them being as thick as thieves. Regina was the only one whom roselyn told she had magic, and that she was training them to be used for good. She supported roselyn throughout the whole thing and was excited when she would show her light magic.
Roselyn loved her sister dearly and would do anything for her. She would cover for her when she wanted to see daniel, made sure their mother wouldn't find out. When Regina was to be wed to the king, roselyn convinced to go and marry daniel, to run away with him and never return. She told her she would take her place, that she would marry the king for mother and have her never come after her. She knew that if Regina did leave then she would never see her again, but she wanted her sisters happiness to be genuine and true. When Regina came back, roselyn tried to know why she did, but Regina didn't give it up, covering it up like she did with snow. This was a start of the rift between the two sisters.
Life continues on and roselyn became better and better at light magic. She healed the sick and helped the poor within the shadows, people started nicknaming this mysterious healer, the good witch. However, when the king fell ill, she couldn't save him. She tried healing him when no one was around, but it didn't work. She had no idea how to save him, which broke her heart. She cared deeply for her brother in law and step-niece, loving them both. When she learned that Regina was the reason for the kings illness and snows frame job, they had a huge row. Roselyn calling her just like their mother.
The closeness between the two girls almost became nonexistent. Roselyn was thrown into the dungeon for reasons that she was helping Snow White. Snow White heard of her sweet aunt being thrown in jail so she broke her out.
Roselyn helped snow by providing her with light magic to help aid against her sister, to save the kingdom. But she made snow promise that they wouldn't kill her. Roselyn still loved her sister dearly, she felt guilty about the fight between the two and she wanted to help her back to the way to was.
Roselyn was captured once more when she helped snow invaded Charmings fathers castle. She was jailed in a cell that blocks all magic, light and dark. She was stuck in there before snow was able to retrieve her.
She was one of the many who tried to protect snow and charming once the queen tried to invade the castle. She fought against Regina, as much as she didn't want to, till Regina defeated her. Regina, with a little bit of fondness left in her, only knocked her out not kill her.
Her cursed life was one of luxury, a gift from Regina, where she had a successful herbs and gardening shop. She was known as the kind twin sister to the ruthless mayor of the town, she was a loving aunt to Henry and a good friend to all. Regina still loved her sister, even if she was very cold to her, so she gave her a wonderful life. Regina always gave a passive aggressive sweetness to her sister, while roselyn was still kind and loving back.
When Emma arrive, roselyn was with Regina looking for Henry. When she saw Emma in front of the house with Henry, she was a lot more understanding and kind to the woman, asking her to stay awhile, that it'd be nice to get to know her.
Her mother, dark magic, heights, horses, Regina when she was cursed, therapy, and spiders
Hero Complex; she wants to help save everyone, even at the cost of her life. Sounds like a positive? No it isn't, she's reckless that way, and trying to be a hero was always her undoing.
(When cursed) Meek and Subservient to Regina; Regina made her sisters cursed form to not have a backbone against her. It was so that way her sister wouldn't stop her, but it was also so that way she could have her kind little sister back on her side.
Dark magic; she only uses it as a last resort but when she does, it's almost like drugs she gets addicted. Which is way she made a limit for herself of how much dark magic she would use, only 2 spells at a time. She won't allow herself to be corrupted.
Logical thinking; when she's strategizing, she numbs all emotion. She numbs everything to focus head strong on what she's doing and what plan would work best. Which causes her to make heartless, selfish decisions at times.
Insecure and always second guessing herself; her mother has brought her down for years, she thinks lowly of herself when she failed at something. She second guess what people think of her and she feels insecure of herself and how she is.
Strawberries (it's like a counter to reginas apple thing), love, music, gardening, dancing, poetry, spicy foods, baking, sweets, friends, family, herbs, healing, nature, and reading
Dark spells, sourness, mother, the darkness, curses, Mr. Gold's deals, rats, certain bugs, Peter Pan, coffee, and white chocolate.
Regina trusts roselyns herbal healings more for Henry's illnesses then the hospital
She uses her herbal teas to help people with stress and illnesses.
She knows how to play the piano.
As Regina was taught in horse back riding and other more manly skills for those times, roselyn was more taught feminine skills such as piano, ballroom dancing, singing, etc etc
She loves to garden, she always had a green thumb. Growing many things like flowers, fruits, vegetables, etc etc.

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