Disclaimer: I am not Russian nor do I claim to be. I am just using Russian stereotypes for this character since over exaggerated stereotypes is a trend in these games and fandom. I did a bit of research on my own about Russian culture, but it's only like skimming over its political views. So if there's anything off about my oc in that regard, feel free to correct me.
And secondly, only have seen the games and fancomics of this show. I couldn't get into the show so— yea....

"Hello darling~ how are you today cutie?~"

Full Name
Anastasia; The name Anastasia is of Greek origin and means "resurrection." It is the feminine form of the Greek name Anastasius, comprised of anastasis, meaning the same thing.
Artyomov; This Russian metronymic last name means 'Son of Artyom'. The word is derived from the Greek goddess 'Artemis'.

Ana; used mainly by people close to her, seeing as she doesn't like nicknames all that much. If she allows you to call her by this, it means you're quite close to her and very precious.
Peppermint; technically a stage name for her little 'escapades', those who want her 'services' usually call her this.
Motherland Hoe; a title given to her by cartman and had caught on with those who demean her. It's a nickname she never really bothers with, because she can't exactly deny it. She was a hoe, and so what? If it mattered, then why is the hot guys still hitting it?
My little Angel; name usually reserved for what love interest would call them when in a relationship. Anastasia was very much a seductive little woman, but despite all of that, she's sweet and compassionate like an Angel. She's able to admit her flaws and try to fix herself to become a better person, which is very different then most people in South Park. It's slightly ironic how the most "sinful" young girl in southpark is labeled as an Angel to their love.

10 like everyone else
(Though this may change depending on what time we're roleplaying)

August 12th


Moscow, Russia




"The longer you stare, the more you'll have to pay up sweetie~"

Hair Color/Style
Straight, strawberry blond hair that reaches below her butt. It's slightly wavy with a straight cut, with a huge bang covering her eye.

Skin Tone

4"4 (as a kid)
5"8(as adult)

71 lbs (as kid)
119 lbs (as adult)

Face Claim
I drew her

Face ClaimN/AI drew her

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