Rowen Octavius Hampton
Around Larry, Sally,
Rosa(when he cross dresses)
The Cross Dresser(Title at school)
The Trap (another title)
The she-guy
The Abomination (Travis and His own father)
Sweet Pea (his mother)
Rowan is a eccentric jokester who loves to cause mischief. He frequently cross dresses to "to fuck up people's sexuality", it gives him a good laugh he says. Other then that he's fiercely loyal to his friends and would do anything to protect them.
He shows a smile on the outside and constantly jokes to hide the insecurities within, caused by his father. He always tries to bring up the mood in difficult situations to make others laugh, when he fails at that it brings down his mood significantly. He adores it when someone does his hair, and loves to cosplay as girl characters.
He also loves flirting with people, male or female or both or neither! A pretty face is a pretty face to him.
He is not trans, though some people did make a rumor he was, he just finds girls clothing comfy.


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(Girl just with a low pony and green eyes)Clothes 

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(Girl just with a low pony and green eyes)

(Girl just with a low pony and green eyes)Clothes 

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(Girl)Hobbies  Cross dressingCosplayingPranking PeoplePlaying bassDancingReadingPaintingWritingCrush/Potential He flirts with everyone sooooo yea it's mostly open

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Cross dressing
Pranking People
Playing bass
He flirts with everyone sooooo yea it's mostly open.
He loves messing with him. Ever since he noticed that his girl version of himself never worked on Travis, he realized he was either gay or asexual/aromatic. So from that point forward he flirted with him as himself, getting a better reaction outta him. This was so much fun to Rowan, but then he realized he was also starting to catch feelings for the mean blond. He then kept his distance in the way of excusing himself from the conversation. He's not ashamed that he fell for the mean blond, but, deep down he's shy and also he knows that Travis is heavily religious so he thought it wouldn't work.
When they first met, Rowan was cross dressed as a girl. Rowan flirted with Larry when they first met and he flirted back. They did this until the bell rung and Rowan went to walk away to his class when he says
"Oh by the way—", voice returns to his deeper tone, "—I'm a guy."
Then walks away cackling, leaving Larry stunned and sally and co laughing. Once Rowan became part of the group, he continued to flirt with Larry, Larry being like "nope nope nope nope, Rowan stop not this fuckery again.". Rowan found his reactions adorable and continued to flirt with him. The result is pretty much the same with Travis.
Unlike the others, Ashley was the only one in the group that Rowan didn't flirt with. They actually were the best of friends, Rowan always going over to Ashley's and they cosplay their favorite fandoms together. Ashley and Rowan kinda had a whole besties relationship for along time, they even had sally over a lot to do stuff with him too. A romantic relationship between the two is unlikely but I guess it could happen.
They two have a sibling bond so yea—not likely at all. It could happen, where they misread their feelings as a sibling bond, but otherwise, no.
Todd has a boyfriend, so no not likely.
Rowan was born as the only son to couple Daniel and Sarah Hampton. Rowan was the first child that survived, the ones after him dying soon after or before their birth. One of many children, Rosalina, survived for 3 years. She died however from whooping cough. His mother fell into a deep depression, her always wanting a little girl. Not that she didn't adore Rowan, she doted on him and loved him so dearly, just it was always her dream to have a little girl too. Anyways Rowan was really young when he saw his mother fall in such a deep depression, he wanted to help her. He asked why she was so sad and her response was, "oh dear.....I'm fine....just....sad that your sister won't be here anymore....", "why is she not here?", "....I'll tell you when you're older sweetheart....". He only frowned at this, not only did she not answer his question but he hated seeing his mother cry. So he did what his little kid brain told him, to dress up in his mother's clothes to make her happy. Yeaaaaa even Rowan doesn't know what made him make the connection. Anyways he showed his mom him with a small ponytail and one of his mothers big poofy dresses that was quadruple his size. His mother was dumbfounded at first, but then laughed softly with a smile. "What are you doing goofball?", "I'm dressing up!", "why?", "because I wanna be pretty like you are mama!", that was kinda a lie, he did it to make her smile, but that answer made her laugh again which made Rowan beamed. That day Rowan made a positive memory through cross dressing, making someone laugh and smile on such a dark day for them. That's when he decided to continue cross dressing as a hobby, to make others laugh. Let's just say his mother was more then supportive with this hobby, her being able to experience things she would with a daughter with her son instead. His father wasn't as a supportive, him wanting a normal child not an abnormality. He kept discouraging such things from his son, which caused Rowan for a period of time to stop and was sad that he couldn't make others happy. When his mother learned about her husbands behavior, they got into a row about it. It wasn't the only one either, they fought and fought, much to the dismay of Rowan. He loved his parents....more then anything, he didn't want them to fight. He tried cheering them up with jokes and silliness, his mother being more receptive then his father. His efforts were in vain though, his parents divorcing and his father taking all of the money. His mother gave up all the money and assets to get majority custody of Rowan, his father only getting him for one weekend each month. His mother got two part time jobs, her being a house wife before the divorce, just to support the two of them. They downsized from a two story house, to an apartment at Addison apartments. His mother wasn't around often, coming home wiped out. Rowan, trying to help out his mother, cooked and cleaned for her. So whenever she came home, she'd have a clean home to get to and a warm meal. When the weekends would roll around, they'd be boredly sitting together watching tv. That's when suddenly Rowan got an idea, he wanted to make his mother happy again like the old days. So he then suggested something to his mom, a dress up time like the old times. This his mother beamed to, and they went to his room and he got some of the old dresses out and played dress up with his mom. That's how he got back into cross dressing again.
When he first came to the school, he decided it'd be fun to cross dress, to see others laugh and smile. He confused a lot of people, which made himself laugh for once. He met Larry that day and that made his day seeing him reacting so ridiculously. Though like how people normally acted during these times, they didn't accept him at first, and even teased him, especially Travis. Buuuut he didn't let it get to him and he even became friends with sally and co. People eventually got used to him, and even found him funny. Travis never let up though.

You know when it's his fathers weekend when Rowan takes off all the makeup and nail polish and looks like he's getting ready for church.

People call him tomato not only because of his red hair, but because he loves tomatoes, especially cherry tomatoes.

He has a jewelry box that was supposed to be for his sister, Rosalina. It was a music box with a ballerina in it, playing the dance of the sugarplums fairies. It has the jewelry his mom gave him for his birthdays.

Rowan only has a few vague memories of rosalina, and they were all happy. He mostly made silly faces and goofy noises to make her laugh. That's how his comedian chops happened.

His hair reaches his shoulders, so the most he can style his hair is a low ponytail.

He knows how to play bass guitar.

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