Painting Name
The Dancing Lady
True age is not clear, however, she seems to look like Garrys age.
Birthday and/or Day of painting
Sometime in the mid winter
Long ago, the up and coming famous painter, Guertena, desperately wanted to have a daughter. He adored children and wanted to have one of his own, to care for them and love them with all of his heart. He even painted a painting in the likeness of what he would want in a child, and named it Mary. Soon he had got his wish, in the form of a doorbell. A baby girl wrapped in a blanket was on his doorstep, inside a basket with a ribbon. He had looked around to see if the child belonged to anyone, then took the baby inside when he couldn't find anyone. He had called child protective services for help of what to do with the child, the protection services stating that they'll take the child. He then noticed a note in the child's basket, it was from the mother. It read, "please, dear sir, take care of my little girl. I can not keep the child, as much as it pains my heart. I cannot support the child's needs on my own, so as my final wish as this child's parent, take care of her. Her name is belladonna, please raise her as though she was your own.
Thank you."
To him this seemed like a dream come true. He wanted to take care of this child desperately, and so he went through all the legal troubles of gaining the girls custody. Since no one knew who the child's mother was, they were never able to discover her family. And so, it wasn't that difficult for the young painter to gain custody of said child.
Guertena raised the girl like if she was his own. He raised her with all the luxuries any child could only dream of. Not to say she was spoiled, no no no, in fact she grew into a kind and gentle young girl. Everyone who met her would absolutely adore her caring and motherly nature. Anyone who would ask for help, she'd help as best as she could. She was a wonderfully kind child with a charming smile that would make anyone beam. However, not everything was sunshine and rainbows. As she grew, she seemed to become sicker and sicker....she was in constant muscle pain to the point she couldn't move out of bed for quite some time. Which is such a shame, cause she would love to dance to her hearts content, and now, she couldn't even do a twirl. She was immediately taken to the doctor after she couldn't move for an entire week.
They have discovered she was infected by a illness known as Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). RA is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic inflammation in joints and organs throughout the body. RA includes symptoms that are painful and debilitating. People diagnosed with it may go through periods of remission for months or years where symptoms are not noticed. This is, however, a progressive illness that leads to joint destruction and physical disability, and there is no cure.
This devastated Guertena, that his child was diagnosed with such a disease. That she could no longer do what she loved in the form of dancing. That she would be in so much pain, or even die. However, belladonna was a little ray of light the entire time. She would tell her father that it was alright, that as long as he was here she will be happy till the end of her days.
The disease progressed worse and worse throughout the years, putting the poor girl into a wheelchair for some time. She craved for the chance to dance with her father one more time, but sadly could not experience such joy again. Guertenas heart ached for his little girls saddness, and wanted to give her the world. He did not know what to do, the only thing he could do is paint.
And so he did.
He started a painting for his child, a painting where she could live through her fantasy of dancing till the end of days. For the last few days of the paintings completion, she had gotten worse and was bed ridden. She was in so much pain that so much as taking a breath would hurt her.
The painting was finally finished and Guertena showed it to her. The girl smiled grandly despite the pain that followed. That made her so happy to see what a wonderful piece her father had created just for her. She had one last conversation with him, it was a light and happy one. A conversation that made both of them forget everything that was happening, even though it was such a brief moment.
Three days later, she died in her sleep.
People say that her embodiment and likeness lives inside the painting. The caring girl who loves to dance, was now preserved inside her fathers work, dancing till time turns into dust.
They weren't wrong.
Within the painting world, she did lived. In there she was known as the dancing lady, not belladonna. The caretaker of the realm of paintings. The one who keeps everyone in line, at least as much as she can. Mary and her were interwined, Mary being Guertenas fantasy and Belladonna being his reality. Belladonna cares for her doppelgänger, like as though she was a little sister. However, she does not condone Mary's wish to leave their realm. They are supposed to stay in their own world, to never leave their paintings. That's just how reality worked. Mary however, lived inside a child's fantasy, a fantasy that she would never let go. When Ib and Garry stumbled upon their world, belladonna tries her best to have them leave. She does not tell them she is also a painting, otherwise they might not trust her. So she avoids questions like what's her roses color or does she have anyone back in the real world. She does answer such questions, but only vaguely to not draw suspicion. When Mary joins the group, belladonna stays calm and doesn't reveal her just yet. She keeps an eye on Mary, but was separated with Garry away from them. She still tries not to reveal anything about Mary nor herself, but that was thrown out the window once Garry finds the book, where he finds out about Mary and also belladonnas painting. Garry confronts her, which is when she apologizes and explains everything. Why she lied, why she didn't tell them, what's her role here, what's her motives, what's Mary's motives, etc etc.
She apologized for everything and was just hoping they could've got all the puzzles solved as quickly as possible to get to Ib.
They get back on track and solve the puzzles. They get to Ib as soon as possible, belladonna scolding Mary. Belladonna was enraged with how Mary was acting and ordered her back to her painting. Mary did not listen however and almost attacked Garry. Garry knocked her out and all of them ran, leaving Mary alone. Belladonna was relieved that Ib wasn't hurt, Garry cutting her off by telling her to leave. Belladonna begged him to trust her, that she wanted to help them escape from this realm, that she did not lie about that. When he asked her how can he trust her, she tells them to follow her. After some convincing, they follow her to a secret room that had a piano, book shelves, and a green colored bed. On the wall was a painting with an empty silhouette of a girl dancing. Belladonna explained to them that this is her painting, that if someone were to burn it she would burn as well. She told them to take it, shocking both of them. She told them if she were to betray them, they can burn the painting and stop her. That way thru don't have to fear her, that they can trust her. Reluctantly they take the painting and the group came together again.
Depending on what ending you get, she can either stay stuck in the painting world and say goodbye to them ("this is it.....time for you both to go back home.....hey I know this is a strange request.....but.....don't forget me ok....? Visit the gallery often.....I....don't want to lose the only friends I ever promise me you'll do that.....? [i promise] thank you....I'm so glad I met the two of you....for made me feel.....alive....I thank you for that....goodbye Ib....Garry... [or we'll see] heh....that's fair enough....well thank you anyway.....goodbye both of you....I hope we will see each other again....); get stuck but them promising to someday bring her with them ("yea....I would like that very much....."); her sacrificing herself to have them burn Mary's painting (hurry up and burn it! I don't care if she'll tear mine into pieces if you do! Just burn it now!); her painting being taken by Mary and being burned by her (my painting! don't have to do this....please calm down and let's talk....Mary I care for you as though you are like my own sister....please...don't!-); or thanks to them having her painting, they were able to drag her out into the real world as long as they had the painting, she became a real person, just she had different clothes. People didn't know of the paintings existence and belladonnas memories were changed to remember the daughters memories, only that she didn't die and was there to view her fathers new collection. She was no longer ill as well and was an upcoming dancer. Depending which ending you got, she will either remember similar to how Garry did by being there as well, standing next to him, or she also forgets. ("Oh I see your looking at one of my fathers sculptures. Honestly out of all of them this one is my favorite. Roses were always my favorite. I wonder what your rose would look like.")
Like the girl she was based on, she is caring and motherly. She's responsible and resourceful of the world she resides in. She knows much about the world and how to handle it. She however goes on her own pretty often in the game to take care of certain issues in the world that needed her urgent assistance, she excuses this behavior to Ib and Garry that she simply got separated from them. She doesn't like to lie but she has to at times to keep the two safe. She wants to help the two return to their own world and will do anything to do so, her becoming fond of them. She's very gentle and kind.


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ThemeDance of the Shadows Derek Fiechter(Again won't let me use the YouTube thing so)(Updated)LikesDancingHelping othersCalming musicSweetsIbGarryRosesMarry when she isn't obsessive The color pink and greenHonestyDislikesMary when she's obsessive ...

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Dance of the Shadows
Derek Fiechter
(Again won't let me use the YouTube thing so)
Helping others
Calming music
Marry when she isn't obsessive
The color pink and green
Mary when she's obsessive
Creepy dolls
Headless manikins
The quiet
She tells them her name is belladonna when they first meet her. Ib nicknamed her Bella and they both started calling her that.
She does have a pink rose in her hair which she says is her rose which she's not truly lying about. She does own the rose so it's not like it isn't her rose. So in her eyes she didn't lie.
She knows how to play the piano, which is why it's in her room. She also could make it play on her own as she dances.
Mary calls her Donna instead of Bella when she first sees her, Ib and Garry never said her name was belladonna, only referred to her as Bella. So this was one of the hints that Mary and belladonna knew each other.
Belladonna knows the languages of flowers, mostly of roses. So as a hint to the other two, she mentions when Mary reveals her roses color that yellow in the meaning of flowers mostly meant distrust and jealousy back in Victorian times.
Her rose in her hair is a light pink color, which has a meaning of grace and gentleness. Which mostly describes how belladonna acts, not only towards Ib and Garry, but also to Mary. Also light pink in the form of carnations is a symbol of a mother's undying love, which describes belladonnas motherly nature.

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