Clementine Alice Quinn
Cp name
(If she did have one)
Darlin' Clementine
Curious Alice
Plain Jane
Door mat
Flower Girl
Human Victim
British born, American raised
April 27th
4"5 (short bean)
91 lbs
Bow and arrow
Ben Drowned; the two are close friends with each other, him and jack being the ones to save her in the forest. Plus they both love playing games, not only video games, but also card and board games. He's the only one that Clem will bake with, even though he's very clumsy with baking. She's also close with jack as friends, she sees him like a brother she never had.
With contact lenses

Appearance  With contact lenses

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With glasses

Usual cloths Killer clothsStuff like in the pic above  _*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* PersonalityClem is a kind and loving soul, she forgives pretty easily

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Usual cloths Killer cloths
Stuff like in the pic above
Clem is a kind and loving soul, she forgives pretty easily. She's gentle and loves studying flowers, trying to understand how they work. She's dangerously curious though, to the point it has gotten her into a lot of dangerous situations, such as becoming a pet to the other creepypastas. Plus with how forgiving she is, she's kinda a doormat and too trusting.
Getting her angry is a feat and a punishment, if you're able to break her immense patience then you deserve whatever comes next (even Jeff's scared).
Swimming (RIP BEN)
Taking care of people (sorta like a mom)
Playing games
Fresh Fruits
Losing her cool
Getting angry
Getting sick
How you kill
If she ever does she does it in self defense, after she's done it though, she cries uncontrollably. It's only up to the creepypastas to comfort her.
Weakness ( has to be two or more )
She has all the weakness a normal human does
She has a soft spot for children
She has a fear for spiders, put that near her and she'll scream.
Helping out in the creepypasta home
Befriending the creepypastas
Drowning (almost happened to her once)
Being killed by the other pastas (this ones buried deep though, happens only in nightmares)
Family ( doesn't have to be filled in )
Father: Harold Jason Quinn (dead)
Mother: Araminta Ana Quinn (Alive)
Sister: Mercy Angelica Quinn (alive)
Cousin: Amy Rosa Harlow (dead)
Mental illness
Does low self esteem count?
She knows the song oh my darling Clementine by heart.
She bakes a lot of sweets and food for the pastas, her pumpkin bread muffins are legendary
She mains daisy or shiek in smash
Her and sally are best friends, Clementine always babysitting her when the other pastas are out.
Whenever she gets the reoccurring nightmare of the creepypastas killing her, she first bursts into tears. Once she calms down she walks around the mansion(making sure to not stumble into forbidden areas) for the rest of night. When it's dawn she then stress bakes.
When she stress bakes none of the pastas can ever go into the kitchen without receiving a threat of not allowing to try any of her baked goods if they don't leave. Once it was so bad that the whole room was filled with baked goods, even the floor!!! How did she get all of these ingredients?!
She can tie a cherry stem with her tongue.
Slight backstory
Clementine was a daughter and big sister to the Quinn family. The couple doted on their daughter and loved her greatly. Her little sister Mercy always plays games with her big sister, them being as close as sisters could be. Clementine was always so interested in baking and flowers, sometimes incorporating edible flowers into her baking. Clem was raised to be kindhearted and loving, even to the bullies at her school who found her a plain Jane and a doormat. She forgave pretty easily when it came to her bullies, even when they stole her clothes while she was in the gym shower. She always thought of them just being young and this was part of highschool life. Clem was taught archery from her father, who was a hunter. Clem found archery fun, however she wasn't a master at it. Clem was in all cases, normal.
That was all until one day when her cousin, and bestie, came to visit. The family decided they should go out to the lake to have some family bonding time. They were all having a grand old time, playing around in the water and relaxing. Until, clem got curious to go further from the little lake area and to the opening for the river. Her parents warned her against it, but her curiosity got the best of her, like it always did. She got swept up in the current and away from the lake. She tried her best to grab onto anything that would stop her from going further down this rabbit hole, only for her to be swept away again. Her father followed after her to try to save her, him drowning in the process. Clem almost drowned herself, passing out in the process. Only to wake up on the shore near a forest. She had no idea where she was and she was freezing cold, still in her swimsuit. She walked aimlessly in the forest, trying to find her way back to her family. She felt as though someone was watching her, causing her to constantly look over her shoulder. She was scared and cold, all alone. It was sundown by the time she gave up. She was starving and tired. Freezing and alone. She just curled up into a ball, crying uncontrollably. She wanted to go home, she wanted to see her family again, she wanted to be anywhere but here. She wasn't in her right state of mind when someone came up to her. It sounded like a glitchy male voice.
"Are you alright?"
Clem looked up, her vision blurry and cheeks puffy. She told the blond boy no, that she was all alone, cold, and hungry, that she had no idea where she was, and that she just wanted to see her family again. The blond male just put a hand on her shoulder, comforting her. She continued her story of what happened, that she just wanted to see her papa again, that she wished she didn't go to the rivers entrance. The blond male helped her to her feet and gave her a tissue to use, he also asked his partner who seemed to have a blue mask on for his hoodie(with much protest from blue masked male). Once they got the hoodie around Clem's shoulders, they asked for her name.
"C-Clementine.....Clementine Quinn..."
"Nice to meet you Clementine. My names BEN and this is jack."
"Sup, don't get my hoodie filled with snot ok?"
This comment made Clem snort. She didn't notice what they looked like yet, her without her glasses her vision was blurry even without the tears. She thanked them as they offered to take her to their place, that their boss will figure out what to do. The rest of the occasion was a blur, not just because of her glasses being missing. Just all she knew, is that she signed a contract to be a helper for the creepypastas to do errands in the towns nearby for them and help around the mansion. She still wants to go home one day, but slenderman won't allow her yet, not until she's finished working for them via her contract.

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