#5 (Updated again)

178 14 158

(Marauders Era)
"Greetings, pleasured to meet you"

BASIC INFORMATION Full NameAraminta Evangeline Greengrass NicknamesShe doesn't do nicknames, at least publiclyIn private she allowsMinny(most often)MintArminPrefers to be CalledAramintaAge11-18 (depending on the year)ZodiacScorpioGenderFemaleProno...

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Full Name
Araminta Evangeline Greengrass
She doesn't do nicknames, at least publicly
In private she allows
Minny(most often)
Prefers to be Called
11-18 (depending on the year)
She, her
Blood Type (HP)
Wealthy (financially)
Respected (out of school)
Looked down upon/feared (in school)
Best Slytherin Seeker to date (very fragile position thanks to the slytherin sexist values, she had to fight to gain her position and made a compromise that if she ever loses the snitch in any of their games, then they can kick her off of the team no struggles.)
Best Class
Worst Class
Care for Magical Creatures
Favorite Class
Potions (1-6)
Alchemy (7)
Cypress wood with unicorn hair
Honey Badger
(Representing the fact she was going to be a hufflepuff)
Blue Jay

"Awwwww is the poor lion afraid? Too scared without your pride?"

PERSONALITY Personality(Towards most)She's very cold and manipulative

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(Towards most)
She's very cold and manipulative. She loves to play mind games with victims to have her the upper hand. She doesn't have many friends, because she rather be alone most of the time. She doesn't care about popularity and just wants to do her own thing.
She's a very sweet, caring girl. Loyal to a fault, she will never go against her family, which is where her loyalty resides. She's very intelligent and curious, informational books being her favorite to read.
Araminta was born into the pure blood royalty family known as the Greengrasses. She was the youngest out of three siblings: oldest sister and middle brother. When she was a infant, her sister was discovered to be a squib. This brought shame upon the family that caused their once happy and lax family, to become strict and lack warmth. Araminta knew nothing, but the rules set in place. No talking out of turn, no reading muggle books, no disrespect, and other rules that are just ridiculous like: no wearing any color but blue, green, and black, or no talking to their eldest sister, Arabella. Araminta and Alro followed all the rules, seeing it as easy as taking a breath. However, not all the rules araminta followed. She broke the rule that her parents heavily enforced more then even talking to muggles, never talking to her sister. Araminta hated that her sister was all alone. That she was provided for yes, but otherwise their parents would never speak to her. Araminta would constantly sneak to go talk to her sister, gaining a really good relationship with her, even if it was behind closed doors. Her brother, Alro, would always turn a blind eye to it. Alro was always the goody two shoes brother and most like their parents, but cared for his two sisters more then life itself. So he allowed this. Her parents never learned about this, and Arabella moved out when she was of age. When she did, the only person she ever wrote to was Araminta, and since she never gave her parents a reason to think she would be sympathetic towards their sister, they never had to check her mail. She was 8 when Arabella left, and she maintained their relationship through letters. During this time, her parents became fairly close to the black family. They were hesitant to bring them over, since they had no idea if their youngest had magical abilities yet and they did not need the embarrassment. Araminta, luckily, showed her magical poweress when her mother was saddened by the flowers wilting in their lobby. To make her mother happy, she reversed time on the flowers and made it return to brand new. Her parents were the most estatic they've seen them in a long time. They let up on the rules and some of the warmth returned in the household. They allowed hugs between family members, they allowed nicknames in privacy, and let the two of them to have more freedom when picking clothing. These years were the happiest the family were in a long time, all because Araminta did what her parents wanted. This caused an unhealthy obsession for Araminta to bring joy to her parents, even if that meant sacrificing her individuality. The greengrasses found now they could invite the blacks over, with their two young sons, Sirius and Regulus. They saw that Sirius was the same age as their daughter, and hoped they could hit it off for them to justify a arranged marriage. They had a lovely brunch in the gardens, however the children didn't know what to do. They never met people outside of their respective families, so it was odd. Eventually Araminta snuck away to the small subsection in the garden, the bird aviary. There she felt safe to be herself in the comfort of the music produced by different song birds. She loved to dance there, without form like the normal ballroom dances she does. She didn't notice that someone was watching her. When she got too winded to continue, she heard clapping from behind her. There she saw the oldest boy, Sirius, standing there with a smile. She felt so embarrassed and begged him not to tell her parents, they would scold her for not dancing within form. He agreed after some confusion on why she would hide it when she was talented at it. They started talking for awhile about their interests and such, aramintas passions for dancing and alchemy, Sirius' passion for piano and quidditch. They started to really hit it off, being able to drop their guards. They walked out of the aviary and just talked as they explored the mansion. They became really good friends by the end of it and their parents noticed once they found them. The blacks left and it formed a bond between the families that would make them extremely close. Araminta and Sirius constantly sent letters to one another by their families owls. Whilst their families discussed a possible arrange marriage between the two of them. Whenever they had parties at the others place, they would just hid out in their rooms and play constantly. It seemed like nothing could separate them. However, one fateful day changed everything. Sirius and Araminta were both incredibly worried about their first year of hogwarts, most notably being disappointing their respective families. Araminta over the years had developed a mask for herself in public, that made her seem so high and mighty, like so much of her parents. Sirius, just became a loner and distanced from most people that share those beliefs. They both knew why they were like the way they are in public, and looked past it. That was because in the comfort of closed doors, they could be themselves. That wasn't enough for Sirius however, he wanted to express who he was to everyone and say a final fuck you to his family. Araminta however, wanted to just peacefully going by her life without her parents being disappointed. This never seemed like a problem to the two of them, until the train ride. There they met lily, james, and Snape in their compartment. Once the conversation delved into their houses and such, it was getting heated. Araminta switched on her cruel personality and told lily to 'buzz off mudblood', which caused James to lash out to araminta. She got up and left, telling Sirius to come with, that he should talk to people like that. After consideration, he refused. This shocked araminta to silence and stunness. She tried to convince him otherwise, him keeping on refusing. He wanted to express his individuality whilst araminta was gladly giving it up, and he wanted no part in it. He tried to convince araminta to stay, which then she left saying, "I hope you think about this carefully Sirius.". Sirius in the end embraced his individuality and got into gryffindor, breaking aramintas heart. Araminta got on the stool and the hat expressed she'll make an excellent hufflepuff. This made araminta panic and begged the hat to put her in slytherin, begrudgingly he did. She gave up her individuality to join slytherin, to make her family proud and happy. Their relationship just went from a downward spiral from then on. They tried to keep a relationship, but bit by bit araminta delved more into this horrid persona and Sirius didn't like that. He tried talking to her about it, and she refused she was at all changing. She became good friends with Sirius' cousins, Bellatrix and Narcissa. More and more incidents in the first week broke them apart. What snapped was when Sirius got a hallower from his mother for getting into gryffindor. He was publicly shamed in front of everyone. He tried talking about it with araminta and she just said, "well...you did had it coming Sirius..". He asked what does she by that, and it turned into one of many arguments from there. That's when they ended their friendship entirely and never spoke to each other again, at least not the same way. Araminta turned into a bully and Sirius turned into one back thinking he was getting revenge on people like araminta. However, despite all of this drama, araminta still retained herself. At times she never could get out of that mask, but over time she learned to separate the two. The reason why she delved into the mask in the first place, was when her brother and her talked. He told her the only way she could survive in slytherin is if she acted like one, and that otherwise she'll be sallowed up whole. So she did. And it costed her her friendship. She did honor their friendship in the years to follow, like allowing Sirius to stay in her room during parties and vice versa. In secret, she would calm his mother down by being her pen pal, being cunning enough to make it seem like to his mother that this is just a phase and she's currently working on bringing him back to the fold. His mother trusted araminta greatly and kept this going. His mother and her parents kept the arranged marriage going just in case she could be able to bring Sirius back, their backup plan being regulus if the time came.
Her not being good enough for her family
Her parents disowning her
Her family getting killed or imprisoned
Her parents finding out her web of lies
Anyone finding out that she still talks to her squib sister
Anyone finding out that she was originally a hufflepuff
Mental Health
Low self esteem
Low confidence

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