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【First Name:】
Miyu(a beautiful truth)(hope to help someone)
【Last Name:】
【Blood Type:】
【Height: 】
【Weight: 】
【Waist (in):】
【Chest (in):】
【Skin Color:】
Light Caramel tint
【Hair Color:】
Dark smoky brown
【Hair Style:】
Like chaikis hair, short bob with the tips curving upwards
【Eye Color:】
Hypnotizing Purple
【Super Duper High School Level/Ultimate:】
【Relationships With Canon Characters:】
Kokichi: her father
Bella: her mother
Shuichi: godfather
Kaede: godmother
Rantaro: godfather
StyleFangirl34 's oc: half sister
Kaito: uncle (not blood related)
Kirumi: babysitter
N/A for right now (this is second gen people, we'll figure it out)
【Pet Peeves:】
Being in a group assignment and there's someone who does nothing to help
Dark makeup, money, dark clothes, dark chocolate, jackets, helpful people, morally driven people, sour candies, and being helpful in any way
Black roses, sweets, her family, white clothes, pranks with her father and sister, writing stories with her mother, and dancing
【Indifferent(Aka, things they don't mind):】
Things that aren't listed here.
Reminders of her parents struggles, fights, things out of order, sour music, rock and roll music, anything monokuma related, and essays
Family drama, when her parents get angry, when her parents fight (not often but every couple fights), being popular, and kids shows that undermine her intelligence.
Her parents breaking up, night terrors, death, her dark dealings being found out by her parents, being arrested, being hated, her parents thinking less of her, heights, and the ocean.
【Quirks(Bad Habits, Talking Tics, Unconscious Habits, etc.):】
She smooths out her hair when she's lying
She paces around the house when she's spacing out
She bites her nails like her mother does
She acts like an innocent child like her father
She constantly switches from spacing out and paying attention
She always talks very fast
▲ Background Information ▲
▼ Looks ▼

):】She smooths out her hair when she's lyingShe paces around the house when she's spacing outShe bites her nails like her mother doesShe acts like an innocent child like her fatherShe constantly switches from spacing out and paying attention She a...

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Drew on tablet. Also she will have a long dark purple skirt that reaches her knees.
▲ Looks ▲
▼ Backstory ▼
Miyu has always been a friendly and helpful child. She was the child of the ultimate character writer, Arabelle Love, and the ultimate supreme leader, kokichi ouma. She has a half sister and she absolutely loves her and tries to be her friend. Miyu always tries to fix people's mistakes and problems, from just the smallest error on a test to a someone accidentally killing another, she helps. This has given her the title of the ultimate fixer. With her connections with her fathers gang and gaining the mind of her creative mother, she has been able to fix everyone's problems with a snap. She of course has standards, she will never aid someone to hide a murder. Being the daughter of Arabelle and kokichi, has given her the moral system that murder is the most cruel act anyone could do, and so to never help or be involved with a murder. (Backstory might change after rping with this character)
▲ Backstory ▲
▼ Personality / Actions(Optional) ▼
Always trying to help people, bubbly and energetic. She is called "Santa's little helper" by her peers and "lil angel" by her parents. She's just a lil energetic ball of fun.
Always trying to help people, bubbly and energetic. She is called "Santa's little helper" by her peers and "lil angel" by her parents. She's just a lil energetic ball of fun.
【Seeing Murder:】
She crashes for a second, not knowing how to respond. Then she will scream and run to the bathroom to puke.
【Seeing Crush:】
She becomes more giggling then usual, she tries her best to be normal around them, but will be flustered very easily. Is also very innocent.
【When Tired:】
She'll yawn like a kitten, and rub her eye. She slur on her words like if she was drunk and will not think much before she speaks.
【When Stressed:】
She gets a bit snappy, like her mother.
【When Nervous:】
She'll hide it behind a smile like her father would, and make people guessing if she's speaking the truth or not
【When Afraid:】
She won't come out of her room for days, it will take her mother or father or sister to calm her and get her out. She would be sitting on her bed rocking back and forth, silent and scared.
▲ Personality / Actions(Optional) ▲
▼ Ideal Execution / Murder Scene▼
Switchers Fixer

She is put into a murder crime scene where she must find all the evidence linking her to the crime and get rid of it. She is put on a timer for 5 minutes as she scours the room, looking for every piece of the puzzle. She believes she got everything when the timer ran out, but she missed a blood stain behind a pillow. She is then dropped onto a lynching stand where she is hanged to death.

(This is more likely)
She got a letter from her sister to meet her in the cafeteria right before night time, to discuss the motive videos. She waited there alone when she was attacked from behind on the back of her legs. She fell to the ground, turning to who attacked her. She screamed, which was heard by someone who went by on a walk. She tried getting up, only to fall once again. She then started to crawl away when they hit her over the head. She laid there, fading slowly in and out of consciousness. With the last of her strength, she wrote the initials of her attacker. Then she died. Meanwhile the murders phase two was in motion. They disguised themselves as miyus sister, and attacked the student who heard the girl scream, but left them alive. So miyus sister would be framed.
▲ Ideal Execution / Murder Scene ▲
▼ Canon Characters (You can Roleplay)/Headcanons▼
【Canon Characters (You can Roleplay):】
【Headcanon(Favorite/Best Roleplayed Canon Character):】
▲ Canon Characters (You can Roleplay)/Headcanons▲


Skills: she can fix any scenario to make them disappear. Her creativity from her mother and connections to her fathers gang helps her get the things she needs to do the job.

Weaknesses: If she's rushed however, then she has a chance of missing something.

✧Voice Claim: Japanese- Risa Taneda (kuriyama mirai, from kyoukai no Kanata); english- Carrie savage (Mika harima from durarara!)

If miyu was described into a song:

Monster by dodie

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