Chapter Twenty-Eight: I'm Grumpy and I Know It

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            And so, ladies and gentlemen, it was finally the day to go to Tai Bai Mountain. A beautiful day without rain, not too much sun, a perfect day for mountain trekking. Our plans for travelling includes riding bamboo drafts, walking, and sleeping in tents. Every ancient way of travelling where you will become the victim of snake poison, scorpion poison, ivy poison, natural sharp objects and drowning (unless you're a good swimmer).

You will also suffer from mosquito bites, sore feet and various bacterial diseases which can possibly lead to death. And the reason for travelling in such a way is to make sure that people doesn't see the presence of Chang Liu disciples travelling for some odd reason. Fantastic. Absolutely bloody fantastic.

I let out a yawn as I walked on with the rest of the disciples, everyone taking note of my behavior once in a while and most probably walking on thin ice in case I blow up for various reasons. Because I am grumpy since I woke up this morning, I am dripping in sarcasm if you haven't noticed, and I am literally picking fights with people if they say anything more than 'good morning', or maybe the 'good morning' is included too. No, I did not wake up on the wrong side of the bed, I woke up at the wrong time of the day. And let me just tell you how things went down to result me into this kind of negative behavior.

Last night, Qian Gu wanted to gift Bai Zi Hua with a tree, a freaking tree! But she couldn't plant it alone, I mean, she could've but who would do that when there is another person who could help her. So, she asked for my help which I had to give into and ended up planting a freaking big ass tree with her, at night. Because according to her, this is supposed to be a surprise.

But you know, how do you hide a tree five times bigger than you? I mean it's right there and I can assure you Bai Zi Hua's eyesight is a full 20/20 vision with all his powers that he worked on all these years. Anyways, so Qian Gu and I, the two of us ended up planting that super big tree in the middle of the night when Bai Zi Hua is supposed to be asleep. So, guess how I'm doing. I'm sore, I'm sleepy, I'm tired and therefore I'm frustrated and everything is just bad, probably to the point where I would love to destroy everything my mind considers an eye sore. Basically, I think the world is against me right now.

"-,do you understand?" Shiyi looked pointedly at me as he ended his speech about the rules we'll have to abide to during this trip. "What? Do I look like a delinquent in the name of troublemaking?" I snapped back at him. I heard a few snorts as everyone tried not to laugh except Shiyi, who was looking disapprovingly at me. I stared back at him sleepily like I don't give a damn, because I don't.

"Third, no one can do anything on their own" Shiyi continued his speech as I dozed off a bit. Finally, a bit of free time for a power nap. Besides, I already know what he's going to say so I won't be missing anything anyway. "Even if you go to the bathroom, two people must be together, does everyone understand?"

"Yes!" Everyone answered and I opened my eyes on que. "Very well. You all go get ready and change your clothes" Shiyi instructed. "Yes!" Instead of answering like the rest, I found myself a secure place with Qian Gu and Qing Shui.

I was back to the deep blue outfit Dongfeng gave me and I styled my hair into a French twist with the hair pin Father Time got me. Before I forget, I got out the necklace Meng Xuan Lang gave me. This will be our ticket into the city.

As we approached the city gates we noticed a few things that got everyone talking. "What happened? They're so strict in searching" Qing Shui thought out loud "Are they looking to capture someone?" "They aren't looking to capture us right?" Yin Shang Piao commented back. "Crow's mouth" Man Tian warned Yin Shang Piao for his blasphemy.

And as if Yin Shang Piao's prediction came true, we were suddenly surrounded by soldiers. "Well, this is just great, thanks for running your mouth" I told Yin Shang Piao sarcastically as we took defense positions against the soldiers. Just then, another soldier who looks to be a higher position than the rest came and rudely stared at our faces. I glared at him when he looked at me but that may or may not have made things worse because the soldier walked over to me.

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