Chapter Thirty-Two: Yin Shang Piao is Dead

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The next morning, Qian Gu got ready to leave the camp just like she said she would "Senior Brother Shiyi, there's still another two days of travel from here to Tai Bai Mountain. I've thought about it all night, and I've decided I should go on alone" "That-" While Shiyi was tongue-tied, Qing Shui went over to Qian Gu "Why? It's so dangerous alone" "Ariel, did you know about this?" Qing Shui yelled over at me "Why didn't you stop her?" Letting out a sigh, I put down the tent I was trying to pack and went over to the girls and Shiyi.

Sheesh, she had to pull me into it. "Like I could do anything about it, you know how Qian Gu is when she makes a decision" I told Qing Shui as I crossed my arms "And trust me, I tried, I really did" "It won't be dangerous, Shou Feng says that there's a lot of little roads here, and they're really tiny" Qian Gu explained "It's not easy to remember and it's not easy to walk on them, but it'll be fine" "Let's just all take the small road then" Man Tian came over and spoke sarcastically "Maybe you're just afraid of the Seven Murder Faction, and want them all to attack us"

"Man Tian" I stopped her. "What nonsense! Qian Gu isn't like that!" Qing Shui covered for Qian Gu. "That's not what I mean" Qian Gu explained "Last night, the Seven Murder Faction ambushed us, and I think the one they want is me. I'm doing this because I don't want to drag everyone down" "'That sounds quite nice', do you think we'll say this?" Man Tian spoke sarcastically again "We'll say that 'it's fine, life or death, dragging us down, just whatever is fine, since we're all under the same sect'"

"Man Tian!" Shiyi and I shouted at the same time, but I continued "That's quite enough. It's not funny anymore" Man Tian glared at me, and I glared at her right back until Man Tian turned away with a "Hmph!" When our little fight ended, Shiyi went back to the topic at hand "Qian Gu, you've decided?" "I'll see you below Tai Bai Mountain tomorrow night, I promise I won't be late" Qian Gu nodded and smiled over at us "Don't worry"

"Take Shou Feng with you" I advised "He could be your guide" "No, it's alright sister, I can-" Qian Gu tried to stop me, but Shiyi agreed "Ariel's right. Shou Feng, you know the roads. Go with Qian Gu so that you can watch each other's backs" "Yes" Shou Feng answered. When I looked, he was already half-ready to follow her just like I told him to last night.

"Qian Gu, we'll wait for you below Tai Bai Mountain" Shiyi instructed. "Then, I'll be going first" Qian Gu nodded and left. The moment Qian Gu and Shou Feng left; I noticed that Yin Shang Piao was looking over at them. Of course, he is, I can almost hear the wheels turning in his head.

While I was packing up, Man Tian came over to talk under the pretense of helping "Thanks to you, I'm under Senior brother Shiyi's radar now" "Sorry about that" I apologized "We have to keep up appearances" "I'm just messing with you, don't worry about it" Man Tian brushed it off. "On the other hand, I do love the whole evilness going on around me, if only it didn't include that guy" Man Tian tilted her head over Yin Shang Piao's way.

"I just can't wait to get rid of him" Man Tian grumbled. I rolled my eyes. "Speaking of" I quickly switched topics "I hope you don't mind that I sent off Shou Feng with Qian Gu" "Not at all" Man Tian answered "He needs to know what it's like without me anyways. He's getting arrogant"

I wanted to laugh at that last one, but I tried not to, Man Tian will get annoyed. "But I don't think the plan went the way we talked about though" Man Tian said unsurely. "You're right, it didn't" I nodded "I had to somehow force it that way, as you also saw" "What happened?" Man Tian asked.

"The thing is Shou Feng came over while Qian Gu and I were talking before I could ask him for a favor" I explained "And, he wanted to help" "Then, what went wrong?" Man Tian asked. "Qian Gu was really against it" I thought back on the conversation. When Shou Feng explained about the other way to Tai Bai Mountain and offered to help, "No!" Qian Gu flat out refused him.

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