Chapter Twenty-Three: Question Time! Tell Me Something I Don't Know.

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Thank you to YaraGuerreiraMagica2 for the beautiful cover and thank you to everyone for being patient and sticking with me despite the awful long wait for my chapters. Not much I can do since this is my hobby so I could not give as much time as I want. ~ From your Ambitious Author. 

I remember one of Taylor Swift's songs, where a line of her lyrics were 'I've never heard silence quite this loud'. Back then I thought 'it was weird', I mean, how can silence be loud when there's nothing to hear? But now I do, this is a loud silence, someone make a noise already! I took a peek at Bai Zi Hua who is sitting in front of me, sipping tea.

He's the one who wanted to 'have a talk' or so he says but all he's done for the last fifteen minutes was sip on tea, and after pouring some for the both of us not a word was spoken. Heck, he hasn't even looked at me properly, none, na-dah, zilch. Seriously, what is he up to? But if he thinks I'm going to break with some teensy weensy silence then he's wrong, I'm not talking until he does, I can sit here all day if that's how things are going to be.

'Tap!' Suddenly Bai Zi Hua put his tea cup down; oh looks like he's ready to talk now, this better be good. "It looks like you have settled well at the Hall of Emotionless, you seem more comfortable" Bai Zi Hua started with small talk. "Yes, I am doing well here, thank you for your concern" What is he trying to say? "I hope you are also satisfied with no requirements about staying here?" Bai Zi Hua continued.

What a suspicious behavior, what is this guy up to? I better be careful "Satisfied is a strong word and I wouldn't say I have no requirements but I am doing quite-" "Good, then I have fulfilled my part of the agreement" The man left me speechless, so this is what he is aiming for; my secrets. What shameless tricks! "So it seems" I answered with gritted teeth as I tried to sip tea and calm down. Damn these shaking hands!

After taking a sip and calmed down to take control of myself, I continued "What do you want?" "For you to start answering my questions" Bai Zi Hua stated emotionlessly. I let out a sigh, yeah I saw it coming, I mean I did make the deal with him, still leaves me all worked up though. I guess I have no choice but to tell him "Shoot" I carelessly signaled him.

He raised a brow at my seemly-foreign slang, but I think he got what I indicated. "Explain to me what you did on the Disciple Accepting Ceremony, and when we first met how you broke us free from the 'Tie up the Sky Chain'" So he started with the big question, very well; let's see, how should I explain this? "I call it the power of voice, I am able to use my voice as a power I deem it to be in the form of a song and I can create the instruments I need for that song" I explained. "I don't know the extent of that power but there are no side effects for me as far as I know"

"How did you get this power?" Bai Zi Hua continued to ask. "I don't know, I just do" Ok, that's a lie but no way am I letting my connection of Father Time or Mother Nature out to this guy; a girl's gotta keep at least a good weapon hidden. Bai Zi Hua went quiet after my last answer like his thoughts were still processing, so I decided to do a little something to help him out. I know I was holding tight to my secrets like my life depended on them but considering that Bai Zi Hua decided to at least trust me through a deal, I'm not unfair enough to cheat him out for my own selfish gain.

That's boring selfish stuff so just man up and face the music, like literally. "Here" I cleared the table a bit by placing the teapot a bit further to the right side of the table and sprinkled gold dust on the left side. The dust started to fill up and form into a gold egg-shaped music box. It has delicate silver vine like swirls on the shell and four gold legs balanced the bottom with a silver butterfly wing-shaped windup on the right side. I looked back up at Bai Zi Hua for any reaction and he was focused on the music box I just made.

Bai Zi Hua looked up when he realized that I was looking at him so I gave him a smile and winded up the music box where music began to play. While the music played, a thin smoke of gold and silver dust slowly rose out from the hole at the top of the music box in the same rhythm as the music. We both watched the action unfold, starting with the music box as I sang along with the music.

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