Chapter Four: In Favor of Mother Nature!

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Father Time was right, whatever that will happen will happen, some things just can't be done or undone. Thank father time, looks like I didn't ruin history or at least yet. When I came out of the sign up place, I ran right into Dongfang, shit. "You're sneaking off alone for going to Chang Liu?"

Uh oh! "In a way" I replied back vaguely. "But before I go, I have to find Taoist Qing Xu's eldest disciple Yun Yin" Yeah, its better that I tell him that, I don't know where to leave a message for Yun Yin. "I have to go to Mountain Zu but Yun Yin has not returned so I have to wait for him here"

"Then you are not going to Chang Liu?" He asked back. "I'm going but without Yun Yin, I don't know what else to do about my business in Mountain Zu so I'm going wait for Yun Yin then go to Chang Liu so stop following me, you have to study for your exams and your injury hasn't healed yet" I explained. "So that's why you left me alone?"

In a way? "Yeah" "Why don't you go to Chang Liu? I can wait for Yun Yin near Mountain Zu for you" How odd, I thought he'll ask me about the 'business' I have with Mountain Zu.

Lord Strange Decay, are you being sincere at the moment or is this part of your scheme? "Are you sure?" I fiend innocent. Anyway, this is helpful for me right now and I see no problems that might occur from this situation. "Let me tell you, this might be the only chance to go to Chang Liu, if you miss it, there are no more chances. I promise you, I will wait for Yun Yin here.

When he's here, I'll let him find you" That sounds promising, I nodded at him. "Dongfang" I called to which he answered "Thank you" he smiled at me by the way. So with Dongfang as my sponsor I went to Chang Liu, wow, I can't believe I'm finally here. This is where the drama starts, better be on alert.

There was a fight the minute I arrived, oh looks like that's Chong Feng and its two against one, wow he sure is amazing. When the fight was over to which he won, he starred straight at Hua Qian Gu, oh looks like it started. I'm watching the whole drama live here this is so great, if only I had popcorn and coke. Then the fight started again so I went in further to get a closer look.

When the fight was over Man Tian went up and talked to him but he ignored her and passed my way so I whispered to him "Don't be so harsh on her, you might regret it later" talk about me being nosy. Chong Feng heard me and gave me one of his emotionless faces to which I reflected back, we had this little emotionless expression competition for a minute but then he gave a little smile at me then walked away, wait he smiled? Maybe I should try the lottery today, Chong Feng's smiles are rare and I got one! The bell soon rang and I went along with everyone to wait for the masters who came out to the balcony.

As we wait for the test to start Chong Feng came to me well, he came and stood beside me then asked making sure no one heard us "Why did you advise me before?" Ooh, it looks like a secret meeting, how exciting "It's a little something for the future, you might wanna follow it" I replied back not looking at him and pretending that we are just standing in the same space. "Who are you?" He asked. "You know it's rude to ask someone's identity like that, if you want to know mine you have to share yours first" I didn't hear his reply so I turned to him and he looked at me with a raised brow to which I smiled at him and left.

As I looked around-is that Dongfang? He followed me again didn't he? Ugh! Soon, it was time for the tests; I don't exactly know how I'm going to pass them by the way. I took the sword, the water pearl and entered the mirror like everyone else but seriously?!

Another forest?! How am I going to survive this one?! Ok, just calm down and walk with your instincts like everyone else, oh and be careful of the water pearl stealer. As I walked along, I heard some serious screaming only to find Qian Gu and Man Tian about to get eaten by flowers, uh oh what do I do in this situation?

'Say the words my child' what words? 'Say it' What? Something came into my mind, I don't know what to explain this but I just knew what to do "In favor of Mother Nature, I order you to stop!" And all the flowers went stiff, whoa!

Hua Qian Gu looked at me in surprise then I heard Man Tian from inside the flower. I turned to the flower "Let her out!" And the flower gently spit her out and Hua Qian Gu went and helped her up. Then I turned to the flowers and ordered them "Leave and don't come back"

When the flowers left, the girls let out a relieved sigh and sat down "Are you alright?" "Who are you?" Man Tian asked. "I'm Ariel" I answered back to which Man Tian raised a brow. Hua Qian Gu stood up and introduced herself "I'm Hua Qian Gu" I smiled back at her.

Man Tian followed suit "I'm Peng Lai's Ni Man Tian" "I'm Mountain Zu's Ariel" I replied back. Just as we finished our introduction, Dongfang came running "Ariel! Ariel! Are you alright?" He checked me out in a rush from head to toe. "I'm alright, but how come you are here? Didn't you go to wait for Yun Yin?" I asked him.

"I heard that the exam Chang Liu is unusual, I was afraid that you would be in danger so I registered for it secretly as well" Right, like I'll believe that and, way to get an inside information, Lord Strange Decay. "About searching for Yun Yin, I have asked people to spread out the message to find him, as long as he receives it, he'll come to Chang Liu to look for you" Somehow that sounds really not promising but it did went well in the drama so I guess it's fine. "Thank you so much for this even though I have been treating you harshly, you've been nothing but kind to me" I told him sheepishly.

"A gentleman would not force someone. From now on, I will not mention marriage again" Ok, that's great too although I'm not sure how that lead to that but I'll take that too. "I'll use my actions to prove that I'm sincere about you" he continued.

"You finally understand me" I told him in awe, finally it won't be about responsibility. "Protecting one person is burden enough, here comes another two" Man Tian stated. "Excuse me? I saved you remember?" I told her back. "What? So you want me to thank you with open arms?" Man Tian spitted at me.

"That would be nice, after all I did prevent you from becoming a fertilizer for the flower, it's the least you could do to thank me" I spitted back and we held a staring contest until Man Tian gave up. Thank father time, a few more seconds and I would have lost. The bell rang and we were finally able to take a rest, Qian Gu barbequed the fish while Man Tian complained. For me, I don't know about cooking and stuff so I just sat with Man Tian and watched them quietly as Dongfang collected more firewood.

Dongfang fought with Man Tian and Qian Gu and gave me the first barbequed fish "Two against one Dongfang, aren't you scared?" I teased. "For you, I'm not afraid of anything" he replied back with a smile and went back to his task while fighting back the bickering Man Tian. Dongfang doesn't show chemistry to Hua Qian Gu but to me, does that mean his plan changed or has this marriage thing he keeps talking about always been sincere? I wondered in silent as I ate the fish and watched the scene that I've always seen behind the screen.

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