Chapter Twenty: All That Jazz

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You know, for a moment back at the Disciple Accepting Ceremony, I thought I was a goner. Truly, I mean, I was literally asking for death. But I know that my situation was cornered, if I didn't succeed, I wouldn't know any other way to fulfill Father Time's request. I can still remember the shivers and goosebumps I felt when Bai Zi Hua stared at me.

The silence of the room, the confusion I swear everyone felt and my anxiousness as I waited for that ending of rejection with a little hope for acceptance. "Very well, I shall accept what you offered and take you as my second disciple" for a moment I thought that voice of Bai Zi Hua was just my wishful thinking. But when I secretly pinched myself; it was real, and it hurts. "Come here Ariel" I went up the stairs in a daze when Bai Zi Hua called., this is not a dream right? I took the temple bell he offered to me along with Qian Gu as we kneeled "From today on, you both are I, Chang Liu Superior Immortal Bai Zi Hua's disciples". Unable to believe myself, I looked around to Man Tian, who nodded at me with a small smile, Dong Feng and Yun Yin who beamed at me. Yep, this is real, oh my god, I can't believe I did it, I could cry-which I'm trying not to. Now I get how Qian Gu felt, I take back calling her cheesy.

Qian Gu and I got up after accepting our temple bells and Bai Zi Hua stated "Are there anyone else who would like to object" looking pointedly at me for a bit before looking at everyone else in the room, I sense mockery. I looked over at Man Tian who was looking at her father, I saw her shake her head at him before giving me a small smile. I have a feeling that means I succeeded in one of my little works. I winked at Man Tian to which she winked back, and the rest of the ceremony? You know the rest, all's well that ends well.

"Honey! I'm home!" I materialized into Man Tian's room. "Don't you look happy" Man Tian came in with a smirk. "Just got rid of the lump in my chest that I've been wanting to get rid of" I replied as I made myself comfortable by getting some tea on the table in the middle of the room. "I got some news, wanna know?" Man Tian asked as she joined me on the table.

"Always, so what's the news?" I poured her some tea before sipping some of mine.

"Yin Shang Piao"

"Hmm, anything nice?"

"He wants me to kill you and steal the position of the Honorable Superior's disciple"

"Wow, ambitious" "I know right?" "Speaking of which" I sat down my cup, "What's going on between you and Shou Feng?"

Man Tian sputtered on her tea, "What?" she asked back as she cleaned herself up. Looks like my suspicions are right on the spot "You heard me, I saw the looks you guys were exchanging back at the ceremony, so spit it out" "N-Nothing, just-" "Just what?"

"Just" Man Tian struggled to answer my suspicions while trying to not lose composure then she went silent for a moment. "Wait, I thought we were talking about Yin Shang Piao, how did things get to this?" Whoops, looks like it's my turn; Plan to 'Distract-Man Tian-From-Topic' by shocking her did not work. "Um, what is there left to talk about?" I avoided her eyes as best I can but that raised her suspicions more.

Man Tian stared at my face for a moment longer with an eyebrow raised before she asked me "What happens to Yin Shang Piao in the end?" Yup, I saw that coming. After letting out a sigh, I took another sip of tea before I calmly told her "What good ever happens to pawns like him?" "You mean, he-" "Let's not talk about that anymore, the important thing is that Yin Shang Piao tried to get you to kill me by baiting the position of Bai Zi Hua's disciple. I'm thinking maybe we could take advantage of this little trap without exposing ourselves"

"Like what?" "I don't know, let's think about it for a bit more, I'll let you know when I have something" "Alright" I got up to leave at that point since it's getting late. "By the way" I turned back to Man Tian and got her attention "I'm rooting for you and Shou Feng" Man Tian got red instantly and got up to hit me but I left with the wind again, leaving only the sound of my laughter behind.

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