Chapter Two: Wishing On a Song

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As Father Time has instructed me, I smoothly arrived at Zu Mountain only to witness death bodies of many Taoists lying around the place. Looks like I arrived the same time as Hua Qian Gu did in the drama, this is a really creepy looking scene, only thing is Hua Qian Gu is nowhere to be found, what the hell is going on? I walked to the main hall and Taoist Qing Xu was lying on his stomach below his chair, I ran to him and pulled him up, it looks like he's alive "Taoist Qing Xu are you alright?" The old man opened his eyes and looked at me...or more like looking at the hair pin in my hair "You are..."

Then his eyes widened and he bowed down to me "Goddess, I am honored to be graced before my death door" Is it just me or did that sound rather insulting? "Taoist Qing Xu, please get up and tell me what has happened here?" I asked as I helped the old man up. "Your grace, please pardon my rudeness and do this old man a favour"

Wait a minute, why is he calling me Goddess? "Please speak Taoist Qing Xu" "The Tie up the Sky Chain has been stolen your grace, please tell Bai Zi Hua from Chang Liu to be very careful" "Very well Taoist Qing Xu"

"And one more thing your grace, please take this Temple Feather and become Mountain Zu's Sect Leader" Wait, isn't that Hua Qian Gu's job? "Taoist Qing Xu this-""Please Goddess, please help this lowly one and save your children from Mountain Zu" Taoist Qing Xu begged me.

I took his hand that was holding out the Temple Feather "Very well Taoist Qing Xu, I will become Mountain Zu's Sect Leader for the time being but when the time comes, I will pass it down to your eldest deciple, Yun Yin" "Thank you your grace, you forever have my thanks. Your grace, the one who killed me was Yun Yi, he betrayed the Mountain Zu Sect and ran to the Seven Murder Faction" "I understand Taoist"

He then moved to open a secret parchment inside a crest in the middle of the floor "Your grace, this is the complete book of the six kingdoms" he handed me a scroll. "And this is the Zu Mountain Sword Manuscript" He handed me another unidentifiable thing just as I have watched in the drama "I will keep these safe Taoist" I assured him. He smiled at my words and then he was gone.

Looks like things just got messy, before I could think of what just happened, I put the stuff into the hidden pockets in my dress along with my hairpin, looks like this hairpin can bring serious problem. Luckily, after I kept my stuff, Yun Yi came in with laughter as his entrance "I finally found it! So the Complete 'Book of the Six Kingdoms' was here!" while pointing a sword at me, rude bastard.

I stayed silent and let him talk "Little girl, I must thank you now give it to me" He demanded, outstretching with his free hand. I tried to stay calm and thought about the situation, what should I do? I don't have anything to fight him with or run away for that matter. "Did you not hear me clearly?" He spoke again.

What should I do? Father Time? "And if I don't?" I challenged him or bluffed. "Then you die" He replied.

Father Time, what should I do? "Let me guess, you're Yun Yi" I calmly stated. "That's right, now give me the book" but I put a hand under my chin and pretended to think for a moment, I'm screwed. "No" I replied and he came at me with his sword, oh shit! He was really fast; I ducked without thinking and made him literally fly into a wall.

Ok, I think this is where I run, I ran out and around the corner of the hall, I know I said I want to stay in the shadows but for father time's sake get me out of here Bai Zi Hua! "Let's see how far you can run" I heard him say. Oh shit, shit, shit, shit, shitty, shit, I am so screwed, what do I do? Father Time? Anytime now!

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