Chapter Seventeen: A Plan in Action Part 2/2 - Change of History "I Smell A Rat"

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"What do you mean?" Man Tian asked back. "Qing Shui was supposed to be the one who competed against Yin Shang Piao and he was supposed to be the one who won" Father Time explained for me. "Yeah, but look what happened, what should I do? This was not part of the plan" I said as I went to take a seat at their little chairs for the tea table.

"Then what's going to happen now?" Man Tian asked as she and Father Time gathered in front of me. "I don't know, originally this is part of the cracked-faced guy or the brow-less guy's plan who is the cracked-faced guy's boss to make Yin Shang Piao win the competition and I don't know maybe become Bai Zi Hua's disciple I'm guessing, so that they have an inside man for big sister-I mean, the Ruler, but now..." "The plan may change" Man Tian added to my explanations or deductions. "Which is way worse, right?" I asked Father Time. He thought for a moment then answered "I also don't have a clear answer my child but I think one thing is quite clear"

"What is it?" "You are stronger than what they have estimated" "What do you mean?" I asked as I got up and stood in front of him. Father Time put his hands behind his back and smiled "What I mean to say is, don't worry, history had its own course without you, but this history has you in it who has full support from me, your old Father Time, Mother Nature's favor and let's not forget your friend here, which I believe was a great change to the history"

"Me?" Man Tian voiced out in insecure. "Yes child, if I recall correctly, you were one of the villains but now you are helping Ariel here, which means you are no longer the villain but one of the good characters of this story, and that makes a great change to history" "But Father, I" "Don't lose hope my child, I chose you for a reason, now don't worry about it and just rest, you have a big day tomorrow" and then he just disappeared. What the-?

"Are you sure he's the one that brought you here?" Man Tian confirmed from behind me.

"Apparently, he is"

"Oh yeah, before I forget"

"What is it?"

"Yin Shang Piao came over"


"After dad left this evening"

"Is it what I'm thinking?"

"Probably, he gave me this and said that he came to help me" Man Tian showed me a small bundle of needles from one of her little boxes.


"He said that no matter who you want to beat, as long as you pierce that person with the needle at the most important time, it will be but a simple task to win"

"Oh my, what's the catch?"

"Apparently he's an admirer that wants me to become Honorable Superior's disciple and thus he came to my aid"

"Oh my, I didn't know this princess needed aiding"

"I didn't either, but looks like he's shown his true face, is this how it was supposed to be?"

"Yeah, looks like you were 'Plan B' from the start"

"Now that's rather insulting"

"I know right, whatever happened to 'ladies' first'? Anyway, what did you tell him?"

"Of course I refused, but he wouldn't take that for an answer, besides, I thought you might want me to take it"

"How nice of you to think of me"

"What do you want me to do with it?"

"Honestly? I don't know, this is a double-edged sword, if we keep it for future references, we might get caught for cheat-cheat weapons; if we throw it away, we can't use this as evidence against him"

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