Chapter Nineteen: Do We Have A Deal?

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I looked to the front of the room, ignoring all the looks of disapproval and horror. I looked over at Bai Zi Hua. "If you are going to change the rules and accept Hua Qian Gu as your disciple, I hereby demand you to take me as your disciple as well" "Stop with this nonsense and back into your position!" the stubborn one of the superiors shouted at me.

I ignored him and continued "Bai Zi Hua, you've always been curious of me, always getting your nose in my business and asking away what doesn't concern you. Now I am here asking you to accept me as your disciple where my business will become your business as my master, so why don't you take it?" "I will take only one disciple in my life yet now you tell me to bend my own rule, what makes you think that I will accept that and take you as my disciple? Why should I accept your ridiculous and rude request when it is better for you to be kicked out for such vile behavior?" Bai Zi Hua finally spoke.

Woah! Hold on a minute there! I got ahead of myself. Let's rewind to where we were (Film rewinding).

(The Night Before the Ceremony) Oh yes! Here we are.

A voice scared me just as I was out of the room, still in stealth mode. After jumping away from the sound of his voice, I turned back and got into an attack stance. Only to let out a sigh in relief, realized that it was only Ma Ke,. The whole time Ma Ke was watching me with an amused expression and let out a laugh the second I sighed in relief.

I gave him a silent glare as he laughed but after spotting a patrol guard pass by, I pulled Ma Ke and guided him to where we could talk without disturbing others. "So tell me little one, I heard you lost in the semi-finals?" Ma Ke questioned as we walked together with my arms wrapped around one of his. "There's nothing to talk about big sister, I got unlucky and got myself against the strongest opponent in school, thus I lost. It's embarrassing actually" I told him as I let out a sigh. "Why is that embarrassing?" Ma Ke stopped walking and turned to me so that we are now faced to face.

"Of course it's embarrassing! I won against your strongest minion and was able to protect Mountain Zu Sect, yet I was unable to even win a little match against a fellow disciple" I bitterly explained. "My strongest minion?" "The brow-less guy" Ma Ke thought for a bit of my answer before laughing out so loud that I had to hush him. "True, you did beat him and he's still not over it" Ma Ke agreed as he continued to laugh.

"See? Even you agree" I mumbled. "No, I didn't" Ma Ke suddenly denied, making me confused. "I agreed and was laughing about the fact that you beat Chun Qiu which he is still not over it, but I never said anything about your embarrassment" "How misleading" I muttered in annoyance.

"What did you say little one?"


"What's so good about winning anyway that you have to be this embarrassed?"

"Well, mostly it's the reputation" I explained "Now it'll just seem weird that I, the Sect Leader of the Zu Mountain was able to protect my own sect by defeating one of the most powerful enemies yet, I lost to a little competition between my peers"

"At least for me, that's the embarrassment" I added as an afterthought.

We sat down on the staircase with him on the upper and me on the lower step, right in front of him. I leaned into him so that I am now between his legs and on his chest. We talked as we watched the night sky together. "So what's the prize?"

"For what?" His question kinda took me by surprise that I turned a bit to look at him.

"For winning the Immortal Sword General Assembly"

"Um, I think it was becoming the Honorable Superior's disciple?" I answered as I got back into my comfortable position.

"So, do you want to become the Honorable Superior's disciple?"

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