Chapter Thirty-Four: Just Another Poisonous Day

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The very next day, the battle began. As the monsters in blue waltzed into the place, we also prepared for war. "The entire mountain is full of enchantments and spell, yet the Seven Murder Faction still showed up here. How did they do it?" Qian Gu wondered out loud. "Little Fei Yan!" Brows called out; our attention was immediately pulled to our enemy.

Brows, cracked-face and Yun Yi has also entered the Tai Bai Mountain. "If you hand over the Fantasy Dream Bell, I can let you live" Brows challenged. "Alright, I've decided" I thought out loud "Let's rip this guy a new one. He's starting to irritate me" At my words, which may sound a bit too savage for these too polite people, I got a few eyes glancing at me back and forth before turning their attention back to Brows.

"Tai Bai Disciples, form magic front!" Sect Leader Fei Yan instructed. At Sect Leader Fei Yan's instructions, the Tai Bai disciples at the front line did a little sword dance. Sect Leader Fei Yan also flew over to take the lead with a little dance of his own. "Would it be too much from me if I say they look a little over dramatic?" I commented.

A few chuckles came out at my comment while some others take another few glances at me as they try to maintain the serious mood. The chuckles quickly died down at Shiyi's glare though, which was originally intended for me, but I pretended not to notice. "Everyone, focus" Shiyi reminded.

At cracked-face's order, the first few ran over but they were quickly subdued by the frontline. Obviously, this is just them testing us. Not long after, a woman in blue came out, defeated the frontline and got to Sect Leader Fei Yan. We all watched as the blue woman and Sect Leader Fei Yan continue to fight, while I took this opportunity to tap into Yun Yi's senses.

Since everyone's attention was on the fight and the Seven Murder Faction in front of us, I closed my eyes and concentrated. I don't need a lot; I just need to know what Yun Yi is hearing right now. A sound of static passed in my ear as I concentrated, like a radio trying to find the right coordinates until they catch a channel. When Qian Gu and everyone else went to help Sect Leader Fei Yan, I remained by a nearby pillar so that no one, who will break my concentration, can see me easily.

"Custodian of the Law, I have already investigated everything. The Fantasy Dream Bell is not within Fei Yan's library" The blue woman spoke. Just as I thought, they were trying to buy time for that woman to find the Fantasy Dream Bell. "Looks like they've been prepared long ago. I'm afraid only when I am forced to destroy Tai Bai, can I get the Fantasy Dream Bell" It was Brows this time. "Custodian of the Law! These taoists are already in a chaos! If we attack now, we'll definitely win!" That sound, cracked-face? "Yes" Brows agreed. "Yes!" Cracked-face ordered "Attack the main hall! Leave no one alive!"

At cracked-face's command, the Seven Murder Faction pushed through to the point where everyone was forced to retreat. I quickly set up a barrier of air and barred off the Seven Murder Faction. Anyone else that passes were immediately blown off by my barrier. "Chang Liu disciples, hurry and retreat!" Shiyi ordered.

"Quickly!" I also told them. These guys keep bouncing back on my barrier; it takes more concentration to control a large barrier being continuously attacked than a large barrier kept still. When I saw that Qian Gu didn't move, I shouted again "Qian Gu, quick! I can't hold on much longer!" "Qian Gu, hurry and leave!" Shiyi also instructed when he noticed.

Instead of moving back, Qian Gu flew up and after taking position by the statute beside the stairs, she took out the 'Flow of Light' harp "Sister, put away the barrier!" "Got it!" I quickly dispersed the barrier at Qian Gu's signal before she starts playing the harp. If I didn't, the harp would only affect us and not the enemy. Phew! I can finally feel my energy stabilizing inside me. That barrier really took a toll out of me.

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