Chapter One: My Biased, Dongfang Yu Qing

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Ahhhhhh!! I'm falling!!! Kyaaaa!! Ugh!!

When I realize what just happened, I was on top of a guy dressed in all white, father time? Wait, this guy has all his hair in a top knot. "Are you alright?" Huh?

Wait, the guy spoke, talk! "Um, yes, thank you" Phew! Thank my wittiness.

"Then, do you mind getting off of me?" What? I looked down and finally realized the situation. "Oh sorry" I mumbled as I got up.

After getting up himself, he looked me over then where I fell from "Where did you come from?" Oh shit! I looked around then saw a rolled trail down the hill "I fell from there" I pointed at the hill, to which he followed.

This guy looks smart, better get out of here fast "Anyway, thank you for cushioning my fall, I bid you farewell" I bowed like I saw on TV and walked away as fast as I could before he know something. Phew! That was close call. Anyway, what is this forest?

In the drama, it doesn't look this-how do I say this-foresty. I'm so tired, I think I'll sit down for a minute or two, I chose a nearly log and sat on it. Where on earth did father time send me to anyway? I can't recognize anything.

"Ssshhh" Ssshhh? My arm feels slittery, I turned around and it was a....snake! Ahhhhhhh!

I shook it off as much as I can and ran from the place only to fall face first into....mud?! Ewwwww!! I got up and tried wipe myself off and stepped away but, on my arm is that....a worm!? Ahhhhhhh!

I shook it off and ran again only to fall into the-(Splash)-water. Oh my god, my day is just- bwa! I splashed around until I finally managed to get up. The water wasn't deep at all, I rubbed the water off my face and turned to walk back to land only to see a guy looking at me with his mouth open and his ancient-looking water bottle over-flowing, wait, isn't that the guy I just ran away from?

When I looked down at myself to see what he was gapping at, I saw that my white shirt was see-through from the water and my shorts where stuck to me. Shame finally caught up to me and I screamed covering my chest but when I looked up, the guy was still gaping at me "Pervert!" I screamed at him. I quickly turned around and tried to climbed up to land but then I realized it was only an island so I turned around again to where the man was and swam to the his side but a bit further from him. He finally came to and saw that I was trying to get up; he came and helped me up.

I guess he's not bad. He pulled me up and when I finally got out of the water, we were both tired with me on top of him again. After I catch my breath, I tried to get up which then I heard a snap and felt something go loose making my eyes go wide when I realize what just happened and saw that the guy was also wide-eyed and staring at my chest to which I followed and saw that my breast was in full view. My bra has come loose!

I sit up and covered my chest while screaming. Oh my god, this is the most embarrassing day of my life, what the hell is happening to me?! The sound of my scream finally shock the guy back to reality, he immediately bowed to me and said the words quickly as I heard on the drama that I almost missed it " Confucius said, 'Do not see things you are not supposed to see. Do not listen to things you are not supposed to listen to' I am Dongfang Yu Qing, I didn't mean to see anything!

Please forgive me for offending you" "You are Dongfang?" I asked him back, wow, my biased is right in front of me. "Yes miss, I feel very sorry and shameful. If you cannot forgive me, I will never be able to find peace.

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