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What is this place?

The moment I opened my eyes, I realized that I was floating in a white space I don't recognize. I moved around a bit and understood that I was in some kind of anti-gravity space, but I don't remember how I got into this space. I tried to recall my memory but the last thing I remember was that I was watching the new Chinese drama series and-that's it. What's happening to me?

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

Suddenly, a guy with long hair flashed in front of me and when I say flash, he literally flashed.

"Whoa" Yeah, that was my reaction. I did a quick look over at the guy, he had a slender body and is dressed in all white, he had long black hair that is left down but they look like they've been swept by the wind and his face was manly but on the more feminine side. If he had elf ears I would wrong him for an elf guy from the 'Lord of Rings'. In other words, he's beautiful.

"Hello my child" The guy spoke with a smile. He seems polite.

"Hi, and you are?" I asked him back.

"I am Father Time" He answered back. Wow, that's

"You don't look very old though, I thought Father Time would be..well, older" Um, what did I just say?

"So, what do I have the honors to your visit?" That's right, keep it cool girl, keep it cool.

"I need your help" Father Time stated. Double whoa!

"What do you need my help with?"

"I understand that you are fairly interested in this era, I presume?" Father Time waved his arm and a video from the drama I just watched appeared.

"Um, not exactly Father Time, what I know is just fiction" I answered back politely, you don't want to be rude around Father Time.

"But child, I must correct you that this is in fact as real as it can be" What?

"What do you mean Father?"

"It means my child, what you called 'fiction' of this history is indeed the past" Father time explained.

"You mean, everything in there was real?" I asked back, wide-eyed.

"Indeed, and what I need you to do is change their fate"

"Fate is the one thing that cannot be changed" I stated.

"Yes my child, but fate is never written in a single meaning, the path of a life is altered depending on the person" Father continued to explain.

"I understand father, I will accept this mission" Let's just try it, it's not every day father time comes and ask you for help.

"Thank you my child, and before you go, I have a gift for you" Father Time came near me then tapped my neck with his finger where a light shined a bit.

"This will help you on your journey"

"What is it?" I asked but Father Time just smiled.

"Now go, and remember, if you need me just think of me" Father Time advised, then he made a gesture with his hand and...I think I disappeared. What do I call this kind of situation?

Sorry guys, I went and deleted the story last night on a whim. But then I changed my mind and put it back up. Sorry for this situation. To make it up to you I uploaded another chapter.

Happy Reading!

The Journey of the GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now