Part 37 ~ Best Friend's Brother (Part 1)

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"(Y/BF/N, am I still supposed to be coming over to your house today?"

"Yeah, but my brother is home for the weekend from college. If that's okay with you?" She says. You had never met her brother, and after all he was only a year older. What's the harm?

"I still wanna come over, better than my house. Am I going to have to leave earlier than expected or can I still stay all weekend?"

"All weekend is fine. My mom said that Michael won't be much of a bother."

"Okay. So can I get a ride to your house?" You ask, hoping she'll say yeah.

"I'm not sure if my brother or mom is picking me up." Just then, your best friend's phone starts ringing. She answers it and looks happy, somewhat.

"Oh, and can my friend get a ride home?" She asks and when she gets an answer she hangs up.

"My brother is picking me up and he's fine with it."

"Does he know that I don't talk to guys much,because I can't talk to any guys really."

"I'll tell him if I need to." She says smiling, dragging you to the parking lot. She runs up to a guy that was standing up against his car, who must be Michael.

"Michael, this is my friend (Y/N)." She says, and you wave at him. He lightly laughs and waves back.

"So which of you is in the front?"

"I wanna lay down in the back, so (Y/N) will take the passenger seat." She says, causing you to roll your eyes and go to the other side of the car.

"So are you staying the whole weekend?" He asks,

"Umm.. y-yeah."

"Do you talk much?"

"Uh." You say, not entirely sure how to answer him.

"It's okay, you can tell him." Your best friend says, smiling to you.

"Umm.. When I was little my dad used to abuse me until he left us so I don't really have much trust in guys. My walls are up and yeah. So it's nothing against you. I just dont associate with the other beings much." You say, looking at your hands the whole time.

"Aw. I'm sorry. That's terrible. You can trust me." He says, parking and looking me straight in the eye with intensity that makes me want to jump for joy.


"Umm... So I have a brother." She says, not mentioning this to you before you decided to ride with her to her birthday party.

"He's a year younger and looks up to me. You need to be nice."

"Of course I will be nice!" You say, completely outraged she thought you'd be mean to a junior.

We arrive at her house to see her parents open the door. She parks and you get out to go greet her parents. They seem overjoyed that you came. You admit that you are a bit overjoyed to be here. Normally she doesn't have birthday parties, but she finally decided on it senior year, her 18th birthday.

"Calum, this is my best friend (Y/n). (Y/N) this is Calum my scrawny lovable brother."

"Hi." He says shyly.

"Hello Calum. How are you?" You ask the boy who is taller than you.

"I'm good. And you?"

"I'm  great. Nice to meet you."

"You too," He says, keeping it short and simple before going to his mom

"He has a crush on you." She says, and you look at her shocked. You didn't want to admit it, but you liked him. He seems like a really nice, sweet kid. He doesn't look like the type to have bad intentions.


"My brother wants his friends over tonight, so my mom said I could come to your house?" I ask my best friend.

"My brother will be there, but its fine. I already told my mom its a possiblity so she said yeah." That's what you love about your best friend. She's always a step ahead of you.

After school, you two leave together to head to her brother's car. Her brother is one of the most athletic boys in our school, yet he is in the same grade as us, senior year. Somehow he got held back and ended up with us. Not the best of situations, but the ladies love him. I probably hate him a little too much for my likng. Normally everyone is on my good side, but not him.

When he finally arrives, he has to take his friend Michael home too, so us girls got stuck in the back. What a night...


"So my mom said I can go on a date with my boyfriend, if my brother chapperones. I asked him if me getting him a date also would work and he said yeah... So would you like to be my brother's date?" Your best friend asks you. She knew that you have a crush on him and she planned this for a while, but didn't know how and now she has the perfect solution.

"Yeah," You try to say as nonchalantly as possible, "Thank you. You are amazing." I say cheerfully.

"We'll pick you up around 6. Okay? Dress in normal clothing, Luke could care less about dresses. He digs flannels, make sure to wear a flannel, oh and ripped denim shorts with a band tee under it."

"So basically, my wardrobe almost everyday?" I ask, laughing at her as she looks at my outfit.

"Umm... yeah. You'll look great. I know you will. So see you later?"


Let's just say you got ready as soon as you got home and had to wait forever for 6 o'clock to come.

hey y'all xD part 2 coming soon! x

thanks so much for 26.4k means so much to me that you guys read this terrible book! ily ily ily x

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