Pref 2: He Leaves For Tour

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"What? I was sleeping!" You complain, forgetting momentarily that your boyfriend has to leave for tour.

He looks at you, as you remember.

"You have to leave?" You ask, already getting teary eyed and sad.

"I will be back in 3 months. We will skype and facetime every day." He says, teary eyed as well.

"I will miss you." I say, and he kisses me, and pulls me into a hug.

"I will miss you too."

"Can I go to the airport with you?"

"I dont want you to get frightened by the fans. Plus, you need your beauty sleep Sleeping Beauty. I have a present for you too." He says, handing you a small box, wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper.

"We didnt have any other wrapping paper and I was in a hurry..." He says, and you laugh.

You open it and see a promise ring.

"Promise me, you wont even talk to another guy while I am gone." He says jokingly, and you doubt you will talk to anyone except him and his band mates because you will be sad.

"I promise." You say kissing him one more time.

He kisses your forehead, hugs you, and waves good bye driving to the airport to board a plane for far far away.


Its 3 in the afternoon, only two hours till Calum will be on a plane to America.

You were currently riding in a car with the boys on the way there. Their driver is driving us and will drive me and the moms back.

All the moms are crying and you are trying so hard not to. In all honesty, tears are threatening to spill.

You make it to the airport and all of you guys go through security, including you and the moms so they can see them right before they board.

"Flight 1720 boarding now."

"Oh Cal. I will miss you so much!" His mom says, and they linger in each other's hold for a bit longer, until he whispers in her ear and she nods.

"(Y/N) I am going to miss you so much!"

"I will miss you too. No matter what time it will be to me, facetime or skype me. I will try my best to answer."

"I will. Dont mess around with any guys."

"I probably will only talk to you anyways. I wont be social missing half of my heart." You say truthfully

He smiles through tears, and so do you.

"I love you." He says, and you were shocked because that is the first time he has said that.

"I love you too!" You say, relieved he loves you back, and he was thinking the same thing.

"Final call for boarding flight 1720."

"I got to go babe. I will facetime you when we land in America!"

You kiss him good bye and he runs to his plane.


You are standing right in front of the love of your life, not wanting to say bye, but he has to catch his flight to London, or his career will end. You have to say bye for 2 months, then he will have a week off, and then he will have to leave for 3 months.

"I am going to miss you so much!" You say,trying to not let the tears spill from your eyes.

"How is this different from the others?" Ash asks teary eyed too.

It is different, you just havent told him yet.

"Ashton, I am pregnant." You say.

"Why didnt you tell me sooner?"

"I didnt want you to feel bad for having to travel with your career."

He does feel bad, you could see it in his eyes.

"Your tour is over in 7 months, you will be breaking for 3 months, meaning you should be back when he or she is born."

He instantly looks happier, and you kiss him one last time till the boys drag him to the

"Make sure my baby knows I love him or her!" He yells across the area, earning confused glances from strangers, but I just smile and nod my head as he turns the corner, out of my sight for 2 months.


You, being the emotional person you are, woke up this morning at 4 crying. Luke woke up to see what was wrong and you simply replied "I wont get to see the sunlight for a whole month and 20 days and 14 hours and 17 minutes, but who's counting right?" You say in between sobs, as he comforts you.

"If you can survive that month, 20 days, 14 hours and 17 minutes, then we will just be that much stronger after the distance and surviving it."

You smile, but it doesnt reach your eyes.

At 7, you guys eat some breakfast and watch reruns of Boy Meets World until lunch. After lunch, he grabs his luggage and waits for the bus that will transport all of the boys to the airport.

You were the only girlfriend who wanted to come, because the others were saying the good byes at home, because their relationships arent public yet, but Luke and you, made it very public and dont regret a second of it.

The ride was loud and you were glad the boys were making you feel better.

The bus stops and you all get off the bus and head to Terminal C 29.

When you arrive there, police are keeping the fans away as you enter.

You and Luke just sit there holding hands.

"Boarding flight 2332 now!"

You and Luke both stand up and embrace each other in a hug.

He kisses all over your face, showering you in his warm kisses, not wanting to leave you.

"How will I survive without you?"

"I have a present for you penguin."

"You are the one who will be in snowy weather for 3 months, and you didnt have to."

He pulls out a big jar of nutella and some chick flicks, and also chocolate of all sorts. Reeces, Kit Kats, Hersheys, etc.

"You're the best." You say, and he just nods, agreeing, so you playfully shove him and he fake loses his balance.

"Man, you are so strong."

"Or  you are just feminine." I admit, and he blushes.

"Final call for flight 2332."

"Bye baby."

"Bye Luke."

He pecks your lips and runs off and goes onto the plane.

This will be a long month, 20 days, 14 hours and 17 minutes...


Hope you enjoyed! I know this one is sad, but I had inspiration for it. Thanks for reading! xx

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