Pref 32 - Rollercoasters

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Michael -

"Are you really scared of roller coasters?" Michael asks you, still cuddling into you on your couch.

"Yes, I am. I have told you a million times."

"Can I help take away that fear?"


"Can we at least go to an amusement park?"

"Sure." You say, taking the easy way out.

He drives you to an amusement park, and you are still adamant for not riding a roller coaster, but he has other plans.

"I will let you do whatever you want if you ride a roller coaster with me."

"Hmm... I might take you up on that." You say smugly.

"Which is?" He asks curiously.

"Teasing..." You say against his neck, making his knees basically give out. You smile and pull back as you drag him onto the ride.

The roller coaster had many twists and turns. You guys even went upside down, but it didnt really bother you as much as you thought it would. You actually had quite a bit of fun. Of course, you wouldnt have had as much fun if Michael wasnt right beside you. He protects you from everything.

"You look like you had fun." He says, smiling proudly to himself.

"In fact I did." You say, smiling up at him.

"So is the deal off or still on?" He asks.

"Oh its still on... You better be prepared." You say, getting on your tip toes to kiss his neck and then ran off to the next roller coaster you want to try out before you leave.

Calum -

"Babe!" You hear Calum call.

"I'm still getting dressed. Give me a few minutes!"

"Can't I come in? It isnt like I haven't seen it all before..."

"I'm already dressed anyways. Stop being so horny." You say, opening the door and see Calum tumble in.

"Now what was it you needed?" I ask.

"We are going to an amusement park today with the guys and their gals."

"Yay!" I exclaim, running out the door into the cool fall air.

"Dont you want breakfast?"

"Nope. Upchuck is nasty." You say, hyper from the good news.

"Okay, whatever. Will you come back inside before you get a cold?"


"Why do I love you?" He asks.

"Because I am fucking irresistable." You say, whispering in his ear.

Soon enough, the boys pull into the driveway to go to the amusement park. In order for everyone to fit, they had to rent a van... You certainly are going to the amusement park in style.

All the guys have girlfriends and they are all so adorable.

You and Calum

Michael and Nicole

Luke and Delilah

Ashton and Mary

All four sweet and cute couples.

As soon as you get there, everyone wants to go on a huge roller coaster, except Delilah, which causes for Luke to naturally want to stay back.

"We dont want you to miss out, Luke." Ashton says.

"I will stay back for this one." I say, allowing Luke to go. "I'm not too hot about roller coasters." That was a lie, but I know Luke is dying to ride this roller coaster.

No worries, next ride was the ferris wheel and everyone got to ride that one.

Ashton -

"Darling." You hear as your boyfriend starts placing sloppy kisses all over your neck.

"Since its the day before I leave for tour we are going to an amusement park, so get ready babe." He says, getting off the bed and starting to get dressed right in front of you.

You slowly get up and get dressed in black denim shorts and a nirvana shirt. You spray perfume, kiss your boyfriend and retrieve your phone before starting a light breakfast for the two of you.

"Whatcha fixing?" Ashton asks walking downstairs.

"Omeletes. One for each of us. Nothing too much."

"Okay. Okay. Whatever you say love."

You two quickly eat before heading to the amusement park.

Neither one of you are scared of roller coasters, so the day is completely full of fast rides and exciting drops of doom.

After you guys got tired of quick rides, you slow down the day with cotton candy and prizes, even a little bit of romantic kissing on the ferris wheel... Fun to say the least.

The day went by too quick though and you two were crying the whole way home, because he will probably be gone before you awake in the morning.

At least today made you guys forget for at least a little bit of time, right?

Luke -

Luke was always the scared one of you two, but you never even thought of Luke being scared of roller coasters. Guys are supposed to protect the girls, but not with you and luke. He has a ton more fears than you do, including what you never even thought of.

You thought an awesome present to Luke would be going to an amusement park and riding all the roller coasters you can. That plan is ruined though, or is it?



"Do you love me?"


"Do you trust me?"

"Of course."

"Then will you please ride just one roller coaster with me? I will protect you. I promise Lukey."

"Umm... Sure... If I die, it is your fault."

We walk into line and he looks ghostly pale, so you kiss him square on the lips.

"You will not die."


As soon as it is time for you to board, he starts freaking out more, and you have to make sure to keep him distracted.

The ride starts, and his sweaty hand grabs yours and he relaxes under your touch slightly.

There are twists and turns and flips and flops, but when you look over to Luke he is happy and smiling. He is still holding onto your hand though, obivously not wanting to let go.

As soon as the ride stops, he jumps out and ends up carrying you off the platform.

"I love you. I love you. I love you. Thank you for making me ride that." He says, kissing you square on the lips with excitement.

"I love you too." You say.

Let's just say you two basically almost had sex in public, that was until a group of girls took pictures and ruined the mood...

Thanks for 15k and thank you for reading x

ily x

bye bye xx

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