Pref 64 - He Realizes You're the One

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You wake up, but it takes you a little bit to realize where you are. The room looks familiar, but it's definitely not your room. Realization sets in when Michael walks through the door. 

"I have aspirin and water for you. I imagine you're going to have quite the hangover."

"Yeah, me too. Can you shut the curtains?"

"Of course." He says, handing you the contents in his hand and running to his blinds to close them. He'd do anything to make sure you feel comfortable, since you had never spent the night at his house before.



"We didn't... uh, you know, right?" You ask, slightly embarrassed.

"No, but you wanted to." Michael laughs out. 

"No, Mikey... I am so sorry!" You say, the blush growing more prominent.

Michael looks at you and your innocence like that's the purest thing he's ever seen. That's when he knew it and that's exactly when he had to admit it to you.

"(Y/N), you're the one for me. I can just tell. I can feel it all over. You're constantly giving me goosebumps, because I am so in love with you and I haven't admitted it to the full extent. Seeing you sleepy and vulnerable and hungover, I know you're the one for me."

"Michael, I don't even know what to say, you're amazing. God Michael, I love you so much. Now, not to ruin the moment but I am going back to sleep."

"Sleep well, I'll be right beside you." Michael says, crawling into bed to cuddle with you.


Calum was talking with his friends at the edge of the pool and you had the urge to go push him in, but he has valuables in his pockets, so you have to figure out how to get them out of his pocket.

"Calum, can I borrow your keys? I left something in the car."

"Sure, here." He smiles, handing you the keys. 

You get to the car, unlock it, lock it back and head back in. 

"I left my phone at home and I need to call my mom can I use your phone?" You ask, not giving the keys back.

"Of course, here." He says handing you the phone. You go lay it down with the keys and then take all the valuables out of your pockets too. You walk up to Calum again and push him into the pool. 

All of his friends start laughing and they high five you, until Calum reaches back up and drags you into the pool. 

"Baby, you're smart and I don't know how more guys aren't trying to sweep you off your feet. I'm so lucky."

"Why are you being so gushy all of a sudden?"

"Because I just realized you're the one. It only took me a couple months too many.We are going to grow old together. I'm going to love you forever, no matter how much you annoy me or I annoy you, we are going to stick through it because you are everything I could ever imagine all in one person." Speechless, you kiss him.


You and Ash had been dating for a year now and you guys were getting ready to celebrate your 1 year anniversary. Ashton had been planning in secret for about a month now, but you had no idea.

"(Y/N), dress nice, we are going to go celebrate."

You quickly get dressed and come into the living room to see Ashton wearing a tux.

"Let's go m'lady." Ashton says, taking your hand and leading you to the car.

When you two arrive, you see that it's a super fancy place.

"Ashton, this is too fancy. It's probably a 6 star restaurant."

"The highest is 5 and this is a 4."

"Okay fine, but you could've honestly taken me to a pizza place or something."

"I know, but I want this to be super special."

"You're literally the sweetest. Let's continue."

You walk in and he had reservations so you two immediately sit down. You both order water, because you know Ashton is on a budget. You decide to share a steak to cut down on the price. You can't blow his budget because it's your anniversary. 

When the food arrives, you were having trouble cutting it so you picked it up in your hands and start eating it.

"I take you to a 4 star restaurant and you eat with your hands." Ashton laughs outing then continues, "God l love you so damn much."

"I love you too Ash." You say, thinking nothing of it.

"I mean, I am so in love with you and I know we are each other's forever. You're the one."

You just smile and keep eating with your hands.


You and Luke had been best friends for a long time. You had romantic feelings for him back freshman year, but now you're seniors and have given up that hope. He's quite the player and can never stay with the same girl. You didn't want part of that, so you got yourself a boyfriend to get your mind of Luke.

"L-Luke, can I come over?" You ask, sobbing over the phone.

"Is it Nathan?"

"Y-Yeah. Don't do anything, I'll be there in a minute." You say, hanging up and running over to Luke's house. He just lives down the street, which is really convenient when in situations like these.

"Let's go hang out in my room and talk." Luke says, taking your hand and leading you upstairs.

"Nathan broke up with me." You start in with, and eventually you're just rambling on and on, tears streaming down your face.

"Baby, come here." Luke says, wrapping you in his arms. Normally, it would've been weird with him calling you 'baby', but it felt good.

With tears falling down your face, Luke still thought you were perfect. He wishes you weren't sad, especially over some stupid boy.

"I need to tell you something." Luke starts in and then stops.


"(Y/N), I love you. Not just that, I am in love with you. I haven't acted upon it, because I wanted to protect you from me, what I am in relationships. Now seeing you broken, that dumb ass did exactly what I was scared of doing. I won't do that to you. I'm confident in myself. I don't see how it is physically possible to for me to do that to you, because you are my forever. I can't believe it took you crying on me to realize that, but you're the one."

"Luke, oh my god. I love you so much." You say, planting a kiss on his lips.

It happened just how you imagined it in your dreams. It was perfect.

luke's was really long but that one had back story. so it wasn't actually THAT much longer.... anyway love y'all. I'm going to try to keep updating as I have been. I like updating a lot for you guys c:  you guys reading this right now, you make me happy. You keep me writing this to make you happy. I love you. ever need someone? message me. I'm here.

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