Pref 28 - The Zoo

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"I want to see the pandas!" You exclaim, dragging him to the far side of the zoo. Neither one of you guys like to walk much but the zoo seemed like a nice place for a casual date.

"Slow down, I cant walk that fast babe."

"You are over 6 foot, im barely 5 foot. What drugs have you been smoking?"  You say, turning around to glare at him, and then turning back around and dragging him again.

As soon as you see the pandas, you run towards the exhibit.

"They're so adorable!" You exclaim, catching the attention of everyone, but you dont care. Michael does though, so you just sit there until he is done ignoring you.

"Come on babe."

"No." You say stubbornly.

"Im not leaving until you apologize for complaining, ignoring me, and being an asshole."

"I'm sorry for complaining about the walk, ignoring you when you embarassed yourself, and most importantly im fucking sorry for being an asshole. I love you babe. This weather is just getting to me."

"I thought it was hot in Australia."

"It is, but i never went outside ever."

"Thats why Mikey is so freakishly pale!" You say, giggling, and Michael decides to hoin in too.

You guys scout out all the other spots you wanna go and end the day with ice cream and iced coffee from starbucks. Quite a good day, if you must say.


"Where do you want to go first babe?"

"Its up to you."

"No its up to you,"

"No you."

"Nope you."



This goes on for a while before you guys decide to go into the gift shop to look around.

You see a couple of cool, cute, and neat things, each being thrown into the cart. Before you guys know it it is full of junk, but he is pretty good at getting discounts for being a popular person in the media, so he may get all this stuff half off. Who knows...

Basically, he buys one of everything in there, and then he ends up with a couple of sacks of stuff for you and him.

You two had had enough of the zoo for one day, so you guys quickly use the bathrooms and leave, making it back to the car with the sack and then going to have a day at the mall where you end up with a couple more outfits and shoes, and surprisingly so does he. The best thing about it was you got to pick out all of his outfits since he picked out all of yours.


"We need to see the koalas, giraffes, elephants, birds, pandas, monkeys, tigers, be-"

"I know you want to see everything Ash. We will make our way around the whole park. We have time." You say to reassure him.

He planned this zoo trip for the both of you a while back, and now that it is finally here he is stressing over the time limit and everything.

"Chill. Do we need to get you something to drink before you pass out?" You ask him and he nods.

You get 4 bottles of water, 4 Dr, Peppers, and 4 gatorades. You also knew that you should grab some snacks. Obviously, there wouldnt be any of this stuff left when you guys come back around, because it takes a while to see every animal in the zoo, no matter how small the zoo is.

Probably your favorite exhibit was the flamingos. They are quite extravagent and interesting. Everything about them.

The swans were your second favorite. They got a pond all on their own and it looks really neat. It was quite interestng.

The whole day was filled with laughter, excitement, and nonstop chatter about animals. It actually was a very good day. You didnt sweat as much as you figured you would in 90 degree heat, but it may just have been that you made sure to stay hydrated. Whatever it was, kept you from smelling like body odor. The whole day you some how stayed smelling like your Pink Perfume.Ashton on the other hand smells like pure sweat, so you gently denied hugs and kisses from him until he confronted you.

When you confessed, he kissed you and made sure to make you all sweat.

Long story short, you guys completely were snogging on the benches next to the grizzly bears...


For Luke's surprise date, you took him to the zoo. He loves stuffed penguins, but he also loves actual penguins too.

You had it all set up with the penguin zoo keeper and Luke gets to meet a few of them, he just didnt know that yet.

He thought you two were going to the science museum, but when you pull into the zoo he instantly starts getting ecstatic and cant stay still in his chair.

You walk up to the gate, and the girls at the gatw automatically knew your boyfriend and let you guys in and led you guys in the right direction to the penguins.

The penguins werent too far from the entrance and as soon as he sees them he runs up to the glass. He just watches them a while until i tap on his shoulder and he looks at the zoo keeper.

"You can meet the three best behaved penguins." He says, leading both of us into the gates

For about half an hour, Luke is preoccupied with the penguins, and you are just glad to see him so happy,

After a while, the zoo keeper kicks you two out and you guys leave again.

"Thank babe. I had so much fun." He says kissing your lips right in front of the gate attendants, causing them to look rather bitter, and you just hold back laughter.


I will be updating this again occassionally. It isnt "completed" anymore and this will have 100 prefs and then I will stop so be looking forward to them and please give me some ideas guys. If you pitch me an idea, i will give you the credit for it, its that simple. c: xx

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