Pref 42 ~ You Are Reading And He Wants Your Attention

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Michael walks into the room and sees that you are reading 'The Secret Garden'. It's one of your favorite books and this is the fifth time you've reread it over a course of 3 months. It's a classic favorite, and Michael just doesn't understand that.

"Hey babe."

"Hi." You say shortly, trying not to lose focus on your book.

"I want to talk to you." He says, sounding completely whiny and you just decide to ignore him.

"It's important, (Y/N)" He says, sounding more than whiny now. He sounds like he's just plain desperate for your attention.

"Let me finish my page." You say, knowing he'll leave you alone now.

"Does it really take you 20 minutes to finish a page?"

"No, but I got to finish my chapter. Now what is it that you wanted?"

"I didn't really need anything." He admits, smiling to you. You just roll your eyes, reopening your book.

He snatches the book out of your hands and runs off with it.

"Michael, I am going to whoop your fucking ass, get the hell back here." You say, getting up and running after him.

He heads into the kitchen and holds the book out of your reach. Then, once he's done teasing you, he places the book on a high shelf.

"When we have some me and you time you'll get your book back."

"You just like to make fun of my height."

"Oh no, I enjoy that you can't reach the clothes at the bottom of the washer, and that you have to use a chair to put up dishes, and can't reach my lips without a step stool."

"I love you." You say, dragging the tall, lanky boy into the living room to play video games.


"Babeeee" Calum says, running into the room.

"What do you want?" You ask, laying down your copy of 'The Perks of Being A Wallflower'.

"I wanna see you and talk to you and be with you."

"I'm trying to read my book, Cal." You say, putting your nose right back where it belongs, in your worn copy of your most favorite book.

"Why must you always be reading? That's so boring. Can't we do something fun? I wanna do something fun with you." He says, pouting but you don't look up to see his pitiful effort.

"I hate you babe." He says, but you continue to ignore his random outbursts.

"I want to take you out on a date and I can't ask you properly because you're reading about something you could easily watch in two hours..." He says, pouting to where you can see it in your peripheral vision.

"Cal, I just wanted to finish my chapter. I have two pages left."

"Yeah, but the reservation is for in 20 minutes."

"We wouldn't have been there in time if I was listening to you."

"Shut up and finish you chapter please." He sighs, getting up and out of the room to get ready.

Once you finish your chapter, you hurry to get ready for the special dinner with Calum. It was a blast, but as soon as you get home you go right back to your book. He can't make you stay away for long.


Ashton never ever has liked reading, but you've loved it and he most always understands that. Today is one of the days that he feels lonely and can't seem to leave you alone.

"I miss you talking to me and being nice to me and loving me and having fun with me."

"You act like I'm far away, I'm two feet away from you. Just let me finish some more of this book."

"But I want you now. I need you now. Can I have you now?"

"Five more pages and I will be done with my chapter." You say, closing your torn copy of 'Where the Red Fern Grows'. It's your all time favorite childhood book and you decided to try reading it again. It connected you to your childhood that is long gone, now on the table ahead of you is bills and finances. It's a head ache. Books let you escape reality.

"Okay, are you almost done?" He asks a few minutes later.

"I'm on my last paragraph. You think you can survive?"

"Barely." He says cheekily, making you laugh. Once you finish the last paragraph, you lay the copy on your night stand and allow him to kiss along your neck, leaving sloppy kisses and sending you into a world of hysteria.


You and Luke have been living in the same apartment for the past few weeks since you two wanted to live together. It's been a blast, but expenses are going to be hard to cover with a teenage boy that holds a stomach that never ends.

You decided before you start concentrating on adult stuff that you would reread one of your teenage love story books from when you were still young and immature. The book you picked was 'Romeo and Juliet.' You never thought that shortly after high school you'd be finding your Romeo, but it just shows that life leaves you on the edge, never knowing what obstacles you will have to come to.

"I love you." Luke says, setting a box on the floor and getting in the bed beside you and hugging you. You just attempt to ignore him and continue reading.

"Babe, let's do something."

"Shush I am trying to read." You say to him, instantly getting back to the book. He does as told and stops talking, but he keeps rubbing his hands everywhere on your body. Then he starts placing kisses on your legs, then your arms, then your face and neck, until he reaches your lips.

"Lukeee I'm just trying to finish this page. Since you walked in her I've finished a paragraph. Just two more and I will do something with you. Stop being a horny 20 year old and get a life." You joke to him at the end, earning a groan.

"I'm finished." You say and he jumps for joy.

"Someone is a little needy for my attention... It's like I'm a 1st grade teacher or something."

"You're the best teacher ever then." He says, smiling to you and dragging you into the kitchen to make some food together.

this isn't the best but I really liked Michael's im happy about it yay

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