Pref 63 - Your Child Is Bi/Gay/Lesbian

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Michael and you had prepared yourselves for children as best you could. You read all the books, googled all the tactics, and were finally confident that you would be able to handle every situation thrown at you. That was until your child came home beat up, bloody, and wouldn't even say why.

"Come here Josh. You need to tell daddy and I what happened." You say, trying to get through to your 8-year-old.

"It doesn't matter. I'm fine, okay? Can I go to my room?"

"Did you get in a fight?"

"Someone beat me up, but I didn't want to fight back. That's just mean."

"Good boy. Can you tell me why they beat you up, kiddo?" Michael asks, trying to not upset him.

"Daddy, is it bad to like boys?"

"What do you mean?"

"There's this boy in my class, he's so funny and he's cute. I want to date him, but everyone in my class made fun of me when I told Kysen."

"Well Kysen sounds like a jerk. You can date a guy or a girl as long as you're happy." Michael says, instantly cheering Josh up.

"Mommy, are you okay with it?"

"You're my son, anything that makes you happy makes me happy kiddo. Besides drugs, no drugs."

"You're silly, I would never do drugs." Josh says and then starts walking up to his room.

"He's so cute." Michael confesses.

"I can't believe kids would be so cruel."

"Well, they get it from their parents."

"That's true. I am so glad Josh wouldn't judge anyone."

"Well, he does get it from us."


"Mom. Dad. Are you home?" You hear Kelsea yell from downstairs.

"I'm here. Dad is in the garage."

"Can you get him? I really need to talk to you guys about something. It's really important." Kelsea says and messes with the hair tie on her wrist. That's how she reacts when she's nervous so I practically sprinted outside to grab Calum and come back inside.

"Okay sweetie, we are here to listen." I say, placing my hand on her knee.

"I... uh, I don't even know how to say this... Guys, I'm bisexual."

"We know." Calum says, with a slight chuckle.

"What?" Kels asks, in shock.

"From a young age you would talk about girls and boys being cute and stuff. You started to hide it once you got to middle school, but we knew."

"I was worried for nothing. You guys are the best!"

"We know." Calum says, again. We all just laugh.

"Sweetie, I wish you didn't feel like you had to come out. Bringing a girl home would've been just as fine."

"So I can invite my dates over?"

"Of course. We want to meet them. We won't intrude... too much." Calum admits, trying to be clever.

Kelsea smiles widely and is relieved. It worked out so much better than she thought. She actually thought you and Calum would be shell shocked at least.

"I need to give you guys more credit."

"We know." Calum says, yet again.

"Okay, I walked into that one." Kels laughs out.


Flynn comes home and yells for you and Ashton. When you guys walk into the entryway, you see Flynn and another boy standing in your living room.

"I was wondering if James could play videogames with me today. He lives a couple blocks away."

"Hello James! I am Ashton and this is my lovely wife, (Y/N). Nice to meet you son. How long have you known Flynn?"

"A while actually. We've gone to school together our whole lives." James admits, a bit flushed.

"Well have fun boys. Do you want me to make you guys any snacks?" You ask. You know how much teenage boys love snacks.

"Do you have apples and peanut butter?" James asks, excitement in his eyes. Flynn looks at him admiringly. You and Ashton both catch on.

"Flynn, come help us for a second." You say, leading Flynn into the kitchen.

"Why didn't you tell us you had a crush?"

"What? No. He's just a.. uhm.. friend."

"Flynn, don't lie to us. We know how you look at that kid. It's okay." Ashton says, ruffling his hair.

"Stop. Okay, fine. I like him and he knows I like boys... So we are trying to see if he likes me or not. He never had looked at me that way till I told him I liked him."

"So you'll tell him you like him, but can't tell your own parents that you are gay?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't want you guys disappointed that your only child is gay."

"It's not your fault that we couldn't have more and it's also not a big deal. Now's a good time to mention, we were thinking about adopting you a little sibling."

"Oh my gosh, no way."

"Yes, but go hang out with James. Here's the apples and peanut butter." You say, sending him on his way to have a fun afternoon with James.


Rose storms into the house and slams the door shut, which causes Luke to go in there and talk to her about not being dramatic. By the time you make it in there, Luke has gotten annoyed and Rose is drying her tears.

"Mom." Rose cries out and runs to you.

"What is it sweetie?"

"I never told you guys this because I thought you guys would be upset with me or think I chose this. I.. I'm a lesbian. I've done my best to like guys, but I just can't. I admitted it to my group of friends. Two of them stormed out on me. I only have Jenny left and she's worried I'll get a crush developed for her. That's absurd! I don't know what to do." Rose rambles out.

"Shh, it's okay. We understand. We still love you. We would never be mad over something as silly as this."

"Really?" Rose asks, smiling.

"Honey, you're our baby girl and if ours likes someone else's baby girl, we know you can take good care of her. We have no doubt." Luke says, hugging Rose when she walks up to him.

"I'm so lucky my parents are so caring."

"Now, we need to go kick those supposed friend's asses for making our baby girl cry."

"Dad, it's fine. I'm sure they feel bad as it is. My phone is ringing from my back pocket as we speak."

"Good, I didn't feel like kicking asses tonight. I think I am going to go watch TV."

"Lazy ass husband. I'm going to go fold laundry." You say and he just scoffs. Everything goes back to normal.

I kind of wanted to have a little bit of shock but its 5SOS for crying out loud --- they literally cant be mad at anyone and they aren't judgmental pieces of shit so I couldn't do that to you guys. So these are really happy and that's how I wish all of the confessions went but not everyone is that fortunate and I realize that. I love all of you guys. xx

oh and please please please do me a huge favor! I have this new book that I want to start soon but it only has one read right now. So could you check it out? It's a Luke book, of course bc I write luke and Michael fics the best... Anyway, please check it out and add it to your library and fall in love with it because I really want to finish this one. I already have 4 chapters written up and just waiting for the correct time to post it.

love you all loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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