Pref 48 - Your Dad Doesn't Like Him (Pt. 1)

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its going to be punk 5sos so if you don't like that, don't read...


You sit on a bench, crying after getting dropped off at school by your dad. Your dad had recently met Michael and hated him because he was covered in tattoos and piercings. He didn't even get to know Michael before passing around judgment. That had pissed you off already and now he said that you can't see Michael anymore and if she continues to then he'll set her straight, no phone, internet, or even television until you stop seeing him. He even threatened to hurt Michael. Your dad even told the principal not to let you be by one another. You planned to talk to the principal, but you couldn't even make it inside before you bursted into tears.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Michael asks, putting you on his lap.

"Don't touch me. I can't see you anymore. He'll hurt you."

"It'll be okay. I love you. We will make it through."

"He won't even let us be seen together at school, he told the principal to not even let us within 50 feet of each other. It's stupid. I can't let him hurt you. I can't live with that."

"Do you want to go talk to the principal?"

"Yes, can you carry me? I can't see straight."

"But he'll see us together. Just say you're helping me. I can't walk."

"Okay, love. I've got you." He says, picking you up and carries you to the principal's office for the second worst conversation of the day.


Calum had said he'd take you home today, so you were driving in his car until you hit your street corner and saw your dad's car parked in the driveway.

"Why the hell is he home? He shouldn't be home."

"Is that your dad?"


"He doesn't like tattoos and piercings, does he?"

"Nope, not at all. He thinks its immoral."

"Well, I am walking you up to the door anyway. I don't care what your dad thinks, I am a gentleman and I am going to treat you right."

"Thank you Cal." You say, kissing his cheek after you get out of the car.

He walks you right up to the door, you cautiously knock. For a few seconds you just stand there, unsure of what exactly your dad will do to him.

"Honey! Umm, who is this?" He asks, his smile disappearing instantly.

"Hello, sir. I'm Calum, a friend of your daughter's."

"Well son, I suggest you head on home." He says, looking angry.

"Will do sir. You take care. Bye (Y/N), I'll see you tomorrow at lunch!" Cal says, walking off the steps and into his car.

"Look dad, we aren't dating. He's a really nice guy. Please, let him come to dinner or something. You'll see that he honestly cares about my well being and he's not really mean or rude. He goes to IBC downtown, he's grown up in a really religious family. Please."

"Fine, Friday at 7 is his one chance. He better not blow it. From there I can say if he has my blessing or not."

"Thank you daddy!" You say, hugging him then running up to your room to text Calum the good news.


"Hey Ash!" You say, trying to catch his attention.

"Yeah, babe?" Ashton asks, turning around and seems happy to see you.

"I really wish we could do something together." You say, linking your hands with his massive ones.

"Same here, but your dad really hates me." He says, messing with your fingers.

"He's a judgmental prick and he hasn't even given you a chance. Its so annoying. Love is love, he should accept that." You say, slightly angered.

"It's okay. We have school and stuff. He just doesn't understand. I don't take it personally."

"Maybe I can convince my dad to take me to the pizza place on Thursday so I can watch you play with your band."

"Get there at 6:45 that way you'll have your food when we come onto stage at 7 so he can't make you leave. Act oblivious and then I'll come say hi around 7:15. I'm going to make him know that I'm not a dick like he is."

"Good. Thank you." You say, him kissing you passionately.

"I've got to get home now. Will you be okay, love?"

"If you're okay, then I'm okay." You say, and he quickly hugs you before running off to his car.

He drives by with the window down. You smile to him.

"(Y/N) is mine forever! No one can stop me! I love you babe!" He screams, driving off. You smile widely, then sit patiently for your dad to pick you up.


You get out of your car, looking around until you find your prize. He's with his friends and you really don't want to bother him, but its really important.

"L-Luke." You say, tapping his shoulder. He turns halfway annoyed, but once he sees the tears stained on your face and the red spot on your cheek his expression changes to sympathetic.

"What's wrong?"

"M-My dad."

"What happened?" He asks, gently grazing his thumb on the red part.

You don't say anything, just look at the ground, trying to hold back tears.

"Did he hit you again?" He asks, angry.

"Yeah, but he means well."

"He also won't let me see you inside or outside of school."

"You're the reason he hit me, he thinks I'm secretly going on dates with you. He thinks we are still together."

"After school, I am going to come over and start fresh with him. I want him to know 1) he can't hurt you and not feel bad about it and 2) I'm not a bad guy because I have piercings. I am a better influence than half the people that go to church on Sundays."

"I know Luke, just don't make him more mad. I don't want you to get hurt."

"If he hurts me, then he hurts me. I have to protect you. I've quit dating you and ignored you so he won't bother you about it anymore. He's hurt us both enough. I thought I was protecting you. You don't need protected from me though, you need protected from him."

"Well, umm... It's class time so I better go." You say, unsure that his idea will work, but you just have to let it unfold. You can't stop him, nor do you really want to. You'd do anything to be back in Luke's arms.

I feel like I don't update this enough sorry. anyways, if you want to you can give me some ideas for prefs bc that would be highly appreciated. im running out of ideas, like im so limited on ideas... please help xx love you xx

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