Pref 19: Your Kisses

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They are long and romantic. They hardly ever stop before both of you guys are out of breath. Most of the time, they are full blown make out sessions.


He likes to be sweet, he doesnt rush into it. You normally are the one to deepen it, but he keeps pace easily.


He wants to let you know he is the leader. He wants the dominance. They are rough, but gentle too.


They are short and sweet. He likes to believe that you dont have to make out to believe you guys are truly in love. The sparks fly as soon as it starts, not once it gets deep. He is such a cheese ball...

Please please please read.

My friend (@5ooyearsofwinta) just started wattpad yesterday, so please follow her. She isnt planning on writing books, but who knows, anyways. Please follow her bc she is fab and ya...

Thanks so much for 1.5K.

I will update as soon as this gets to 1.6K (if I am not at school at that time)

Hasta luego! (Sorry, I am in spanish 1 just trying to do this stuff...)


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