Pref 26 - Dances

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As soon as Michael is fully dressed you guys head to the Spring Formal.

"I hate this tux." He says, and you laugh at him as he tries to keep his hands on the steering wheel instead of playing with the collars.

"You're a weirdo." You say and he smiles and laughs, saying that you are a "Dork" Ahhaa. What ever! If anything, he's the dork, you that to yourself while smiling to yourself.

When you guys arrive, everyone compliments you and you guys graciously and humbly accept, making sure to complent them back somehow.

"Tonight is great." I say during a slow dance and he smiles right before kissing you.

"I agree." He finally says.

The dance goes great and everyone seems happy tonight.

The other boys are just being dorks as usual, and they all danced with different girls during each song.

Tonight was perfect, and you couldnt be happier.

"Want this night to be better?" Michael asks, and you look at him confusedly and he laughs.

"Lets take the long way home." He tells you causing you to smile giddily while leaving the dance just a tad bit early to make more time for icecream and your "long way home"


"Why do we have to go to prom?"

"I dont know, just stop complaining, we are already on the way there!"

"Actually, we are already here." He says, pulling into the parking lot, causing you to roll your eyes.

You guys walk in hand in hand and most of the night you guys just stand there. Calum isnt in the dancing mood and he wont let you leave his side.

"Im going to go dance, you can stay here if you want." I finally say, and he nods as you walk off in the direction of Luke.

"Dance with me, Calum is being boring."

"Of course, my lady." He says bowing and then you two start dancing to Classic by MKTO.

As the song ends, you look to see Calum still sulking.

"Why are you being like this?"

"Go have fun, I'll be fine."

A slow dance comes on and you jump at the opportunity.

"Please dance to this one song. Please? Just this one, and then we can go home. Okay?"

"Okay," He says, getting up and leads you to the dance floor.

"The best place is beside you." I mutter and he smiles for the first time since you guys arrived at the dance.

"Theres that smile."

He dances, but he isnt connected to it, his mind is elsewhere.

"What are you thinking about?"

"This dance is important to you but I dont want to ruin it for you."

"Dont worry."

"Let's at least wait till they choose prom king and queen." He says and you agree, just so you wont have to fight with him anymore.

After the song ended they announced it. It ended up being Luke and his girlfriend and we clap for them and then leave.

"So glad to be back alone with you. Ive wanted to kiss you all night." He says, not even making it to the car before placing love bites on your neck.

"I have a feeling you wont make it till we get home."

"Nope. Good thing we drove the truck.."


"I look terrible." You say, looking at your belly. You were hoping Ashton hadnt heard, but he did.

"Did you not want to be pregnant?"

"I did, I am so ready for this, but I dont like people judging me."

"We can always turn back, but i dont want you to regret it, this is the dance youve been talking about all year."

"I know, I want to go. Im just scared what people will think."

"They will think we are the cutest couple and we are going to have the cutest baby." That causes you to  smile as he parks and you two go inside.

Everyone compliments you and no one is mean to you. They all seem fairly nice and you smile as you look up at the stage.

They are crowning Band Queen and King tonight. You really want Ashton to win King, but you dont know who you want to be queen.

"The Queen and King are (Y/N) and Ashton. The couple expecting, what do you know!"

You both walk up on the stage, hand in hand.

You are given your crowns and then you have a dance.

The dance goes on, but soon you get bored and just ask Ashton to drive you home for some movies and junk food.


Its homecoming, but you arent too happy about the dance anymore. Luke continues to complain about it, and you are just about fed up with him.

"Baby, are you mad at me?" All you do is sit there.

He hugs you from behind, and after he gets no reaction, he starts tickling you, causing you to laugh.

"I just think there is a better use of our time by watching movies snuggling together instead of dancing around sweaty bodies."

"I know, but I havent been to a dance yet this year, and I just want to go to one."

"Wait till prom then?"

"I guess." You say, giving up and he attacks you in kisses and thank yous.

Instead of the dance, he arranges pizza to be delivered and you guys just watch chick flicks until you fall asleep on his arm and he carries you to bed.

Hey guys, these are so bad. Plz dont hate me c:

Thanks for almost 5k reads. That is exceptional and I cant thank you enough!

Please read my short fanfic called "Bed Bath and Beyond >> LH" Its only going to be around 10 chapters, so it wont be long and I only have the first chapter out but plzzz give it a look! c:

Ily guys so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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