Pref 61 - He Hits You (Pt. 1)

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You were cleaning off a shelf in your bedroom when Michael walks in.

"What are you doing?"

"Cleaning, what does it look like I am doing?" You say, not turning around.

"We have a problem." Michael says, angrily. That's when you turn around to see Michael holding a broken figurine in his hand.

"I.. I didn't do that. I promise, Mikey."

"I know you did. I know you did."

"I promise I didn't." It was his grandma's figurine so you knew if anything happened to it, he would be severely upset."

"Then who did?"

"I don't know." You say, which just makes him even more upset and he's walking towards you.

"Michael, I love you."

"Don't." Michael says, backing you into a wall with his fist clenched.

"I'm going to ask you one more time. Did you break my figurine?"

"No, Michael. I promise. I didn't." You say, with tears streaming down your face. You look down at the ground for just a moment and suddenly you feel a strong force hit your face.

"D-Did you just hit me?" You ask, tears streaming faster down your face as you escape the wall.

"I'm so sorry." Michael says, hurt in his eyes.

"I can't believe you." You say, walking out of the room angrily.


"This never would have happened if you just would have stayed home like I asked you to do!" You yell viciously at a drunk Calum.

"Whatever, calm down." Calum says, in his very drunk state.

"You cheated on me, Calum! How am I supposed to be okay with that? How am I supposed to calm down?"

"Shut up! Shut up! You should not me yelling at me. If you wouldn't have made me mad I wouldn't have done that!"

"You could have stayed home and talked it out with me, but no you left." You say, angered even more at the fact that none of this is fazing him.

"I don't need your nagging all the fucking time, bitch."

"What did you just call me? I'm a bitch? Oh, you're gonna see a bitch!" You say, absolutely enraged at what is coming out of Calum's mouth.

"Well, I can show you how to not be a bitch." Calum says, walking towards you and slapping you right across the cheek.

"Did you just hit me? Bye Calum. Have a fucking merry life without me." You say, gathering your stuff quickly.

You look at Calum once more and he has a pout on his face. He seems to have sobered up quite a lot in those few seconds.

"I am so sorry, (Y/N)."

"Save it. Call me in the morning with a decent explanation."


Ashton and you had finally gotten off the plane that had taken you from Australia to London. When you arrive, everyone, paparazzi and fans, had already beat you there. Ashton was never a fan of the paparazzi, but with you around he can't stand them.

"Hey guys, can you please give me and my girlfriend some space?"

"What happened to the other girls you were spotted with?"

"Do you cheat on (Y/N)?"

"Is (Y/N) a cover up?"

"(Y/N), he doesn't love you."

All sorts of voices, everywhere, distract you from everything and you space out. You jump right back into reality when Ashton takes a swing at a paparazzi.

"Ashton, stop." You plead, but he doesn't hear you. You decide to grab his fist and he pulls away. Then you wait until you thought he was done punching and grab his arm, but his fist meets with your side instead.

"Ouch, Ashton!"

"Shit, I am so sorry. Damn it, damn it, damn it. Are you okay?"

"Ashton, you need to calm down. I was fine until you punched me." You say, trying not to show how much that actually hurt.

"I was trying to protect you. I am so sorry. Let me make it up to you."

"Let's just see if we can make it home without you punching me again." You say, rolling your eyes.


"I hate you." You say as soon as Luke walks through the door.

"I don't have time for this bull shit." Luke says rolling his eyes and shutting the door.

"Why did you do that?" You ask, not hiding the hurt in your voice.

"Do what?" Luke asks, super annoyed.

"Tell this interviewer that you don't have a girlfriend and you hate my guts and think I am just too clingy and sensitive."

"Because I felt like telling her that? I don't know. Do I have to have a reason?"

"Do you want us to break up?"

"Well, no. Of course not. None of that is true."

"Everyone else thinks its true. Ashton is the one who called me to tell me about the magazine."

"Ashton was there. He told me he wouldn't tell you about it."

"Why did you do it?"

"It doesn't matter. I am going to go lay in bed. See you when you aren't being whiny." Luke says, obviously annoyed.

"Luke, this isn't over! I need answers."

"Too bad, you're not getting anything. Did you start?"

"What the hell kind of question is that, you fucking asshole?"

"Sorry I asked." Luke says, walking into the bedroom.

You follow him in and stand at the door way.

"You never give up, do you?" Luke asks, not bothering to get into the bed.

"Tell me why."


"Then I'm leaving."

"Stay." Luke says, grabbing your arm.

You try to pull away, but his hand meets your face with force.

"That makes me want to leave even more. Hitting is not okay." You say, looking into his saddened eyes.

"I'm so sorry, it just happened. I don't know what happened." He says, his eyes feeling with guilty tears. Your eyes begin to water too. You leave his grasp and walk outside to get some fresh air

that was the hardest thing for me to write....I really cant imagine any of those sweet hearts actually hitting someone at all. they're all just big teddy bears. x

I love all of you, never forget that. stick through it. you're amazing xx

5SOS PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora