Pref 34 ~ New Teacher (Pt 1)

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You had been told for the past week now that your teacher had quit and you werent the least bit surprised. Nobody respected your math teacher and that lead her to quit. Hopefully, the new teacher will be slightly more respected. Three math teachers in a year would be disasterous.

You walk right into your first hour and take your seat at the back. The seats weren't assigned but everybody normally sits in the same spot.

You don't even look towards the teacher's direction until he started taking role.

When he called your name, you muttered a faint 'here' and looked at him. The eye contact made you instantly look down, and you dont know why.

"Okay class. Since we are only a few weeks into the school year, I was told to start fresh and new with you guys. I have to pretend like the past teacher taught you nothing. But, anyways, I am Mr. Clifford. I will not tolerate constant tom foolery. I can be a nice teacher, but if you get on my bad side, it will not be pretty." He says, and then starts today's lesson.

You didn't really understand the lesson, but you also didn't want to ask the teacher for help. You had to decide, pass this class or be foolish because of Mr. Clifford... You chose option one, and walked up to his desk.

"Mr. Clifford?"


"I need help. I didn't really understand how you taught your lesson, and I am beyond confused. Can you try to break it down maybe?"

"Sure. I will try." Going into all the complicated stuff, I was still confused.

"Sorry to say this Mr. Clifford, but I really need you to break it down for me more."

"Just go take a seat. I will help you after school."

"Thanks Mr. Clifford." I say, smiling politely and waiting for the bell to ring and exiting the class.


Being the first day of school at your new school was quite the dilemma. You were placed in regular classes when you should be in AP classes, so you had to go to the office to talk to the principal and counselor about it.

Once it was finally sorted out, it was time for second hour already, which is now some advanced biology class that was for college credits.

You walk in late, and hand the slip to the teacher.

"New student?" He asks, and you slightly nod. You were beyond embarrassed to have to stand in front of the class.

"What is your name?"

"Umm... (Y/N)."

"You can take any seat you would like."

You chose a table by myself, because there were no free partners, and partners are hard work anyways.

He starts to explain it, but you just dose off.



"I asked a simple question. I wrote it on the board."

You look at the board and answer it confidently.

"Come by after school so we can have a talk about dosing off in class."

"Yes sir." You answer, glumly.

He quickly got back to his lesson, while you sat there glum that you had already gotten into trouble.


"I hate you!" You best friend says to you. She was just kidding. She's just sort of upset that you got switched to a higher class for the semester.

"My parents did this, not me." You say, not really being all that polite, but you didnt care. She should be happy for you.

"Listen, I'm not mad. Its just that you get another guy teacher, while I'm stuck with all the girls..." She says, and now you see why she's being this way.

"Whatever" You say, and leave her to go to your new class, Advanced English.

"Welcome class. We seem to have some newbies here." He says, writing his name on the board.

"I am to be called Mr. Irwin or sir. Anything else is highly unacceptable." He says to the class, and everyone nods, even the people who have been in this class the whole year.

He hands out a worksheet to keep us busy, and you look right at the paper and know that you can't survive this class.

You grow the courage to go talk to 'Mr. Irwin'.

"Mr. Irwin?"


"I need your help."

"On which question?"

"All of them."

"This is something you should know."

"Look, Mr. Irwin. My parents have really high hopes for me and want me to be in AP classes, but I dont know any of this stuff. I honestly dont know anything 'advanced' about English. I just know that I am speaking English and still need to go over basics to remember..."

"Fine, you can come by after school for some extra tutoring. Is today fine?"

"Yeah, perfect. Thank you so much."

"No problem."

"Thank you sir." You say, going back to your seat, glad at least one new class may go right.


"Did you hear about Mr. Hemmings?"

"He's so dreamy."

"He is perfect."

All you hear about anymore is the new teacher that is apparently 'hot'. He just got to this school today but rumor has had its way with things. You dont know what to believe, you will just have to see when you walk into his class after lunch.

Lunch goes by extremely slow for you, and you are actually eager to get to class. There is a huge possibility that he is at least a dash of cuteness.

You walk into class to see a guy about the age of 22 writing on the chalkboard.

"Oh hello. I'm Mr. Hemmings." He says, smiling politely.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N)"

"Oh, your previous teacher here warned me about you."

"Yeah, we hated each other. Sorry about the incovenience." You say, briskly taking your seat and waiting for class to begin.

He starts to introduce himself and it was extremely boring for you. You just wanted to learn some history and get over with this class.

"Ms. (Y/L/N), you seem bored. Can you tell me why?"


"Then go ahead." He says, causing the whole class to listen to me.

"On the first day of school we always have to get to know the teachers, the rules, everything and we never really learn anything, but in the middle of the year a history teacher decides to quit and we havent went over history for like 2 or 3 weeks now. Then you start explaining every pitiful detail about how you are single and are a male teacher. I just want to learn some history so I can pass this class. That is why I am bored to death. Sir." You say, never losing eye contact with him. When you finish, he smirks.

"That's fine you can learn some history after school with me."

"Okay. Whatever." You say, putting your feet on the desk and allowing him to continue his pointless story, but oh he doesnt know what he is in for.

no smut yet ^_^ sorry. next time maybe c:

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